Kan Dapaah is the Minister of Civic Security AdvertisementThe Ministry of Civic Aegis has reacted to a account by Bawku Central administrator Mahama Ayariga arduous the absolution for the Ministry's account account of Gh¢ 6,000,000 allocated to abode the Bawku conflict

The Ministry emphasised that it is amenable for designing and analogous aegis operations civic in accord with accordant aegis and intelligence agencies

Mahama Ayariga has declared that the Civic Aegis Minister receives GH¢18 actor anniversary division to abode the advancing battle in Bawku

According to Mr Ayariga, the GH¢18 actor provided annual is advised to armamentarium assorted aegis operations and initiatives aimed at abating accord and adherence in Bawku

Ayariga added declared that the Akufo-Addo government, decidedly the Civic Aegis Ministry, is profiting from the adversity of the bodies of Bawku

Mr Ayariga alleged for greater accuracy and accountability in the administration of these resources, emphasising the charge for a absolute analysis to ensure that the funds are actuality acclimated finer to abode the conflict

"For a continued time, Bawku has been grappling with crisis which I accept was abundantly created by the promises of the NPP. And the address I accept accustomed and actual reliable and aboveboard certificate I accept cited announce that the Civic Aegis Minister takes GHS18 actor annual in name of ambidextrous with the Bawku battle which agency that every ages Civic Aegis Minister takes GHS6 actor in the name of he ambidextrous with the Bawku aegis botheration while the bodies are disturbing in poverty," he stated

But in a account reacting to him, the Ministry of Civic Aegis said "In acknowledgment to the aciculate and adverse accretion of the inter-ethnic tensions in Bawku in 2021, which led to the adverse accident of hundreds of innocent lives, including women and children, displacement of people, and disruption of bread-and-butter activities, the Ministry, as a amount of urgency, accustomed a appropriate operation in February 2023 to advance accord in Bawku and its environs, as able-bodied as added areas in the North East Arena afflicted and impacted by the conflict

"A account allocation of Gh¢ 6,000,000 per ages was fabricated to abutment these operations, which included a Appropriate Task Force. These funds awning capital operational costs, such as ammunition aliment for Armoured Cadre Carriers (APCs) and added operational vehicles; the accouterment and commitment of aliment armament for cadre of the Task Force; appropriate intelligence operations, and added civil-military activities aimed at architecture civic accord and adherence in Bawku

"In band with the allocation and operational action for the administration of the conflict, the Ministry, aloft cancellation of the funds, distributes aforementioned to the accommodating aegis and intelligence agencies to abutment their acumen and cadre complex in the operations, with the amount authorization of attention the lives and livelihoods of all citizens in the area." The Ministry added "We charge emphasise added that these funds are allotment of the accepted operational account for the Ministry. The Ministry is, however, accountable to admeasure these amounts to advance accord in Bawku, back they could accept been invested, instead, in acceptable Ghana's adequacy to body animation adjoin the acute aegis threats such as agitation and agitated abandonment overextension beyond the West African region

"It is, therefore, adverse and mistaken for Hon. Ayariga, who, accustomed his position as a Member of Parliament, care to be bigger abreast about the complexities and aliment of civic aegis operations, to politicize same

"Such statements accept the abeyant to beguile and misinform the citizens of Bawku, reignite tensions, and endanger the lives of the cadre of accompaniment aegis and Intelligence agencies complex in the operations, and should, therefore, not be encouraged by well-meaning Ghanaians. The Ministry of Civic Aegis charcoal committed to its authorization and assignment to sustain its operations in Bawku, to aegis the all-embracing accord and adherence of the country."