The National Cyberse­curity Awareness Month has been launched in Accra with a call on citizens to think through before sharing messages on social media.

The theme "Combating mis­information/disinformation in a digitally resilient democracy - Our collective responsibility," would help experts engage in public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the dangers of mis­information and disinformation.

It would also empower them to identify and report false informa­tion to combat the spread of false information, particularly during election periods.

The Minister for Communica­tions and Digitalisation, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, who launched the event said her Ministry and Cybersecurity Authority were in talks with digital platform owners to create and put into action effective strategies to combat mis­information and disinformation. "We are engaging with digital platform owners like Meta (Face­book) to establish mechanisms for quickly responding to reports of misinformation and disinfor­mation, especially during election periods.