AdvertisementThe Finance Minister, Dr. Amin Adam has said government is committed to abate aggrandizement to 15% by end of the year

The aggrandizement amount currently stands at 22% as of June this year. Speaking during a boondocks anteroom affair in Accra on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, Dr. Amin Adam said government intends to abate aggrandizement to a distinct chiffre if they abide to abide in government afterwards December elections

"But afresh see the efforts we accept put in managing aggrandizement in Ghana. In June this year, 17 to 18 months, we accept brought aggrandizement bottomward to 22 per cent. In 17 months, we accept added than bisected aggrandizement from 54 per cent to 22 per cent and we are bent to end this year with an aggrandizement amount of 15%

"If this affair continues in government abutting year, we are bent to accompany aggrandizement bottomward to single-digit aggrandizement abutting year," he said

He acclaimed that the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia administering has accomplished cogent abridgement in agreement of aggrandizement amount as compared to the antecedent NDC government

According to him, government recorded aggrandizement amount of 9.4% in 2018 and 7.9% in 2019 which he says was a celebrated accomplishment of two after years of single-digit inflation

"Inflation, the amount of inflation, banderole aggrandizement in 2015 was 17.7 per cent. In 2016, it came to 15.4 per cent. In 2017 back we took government, aggrandizement came bottomward added to 11.7 percent.  A year later, in 2018, it became single-digit aggrandizement at 9.4 percent. In 2019, we had a distinct chiffre of 7.9 per cent

"Two after years, the longest aeon a government has recorded a single-digit inflation. We accept had single-digit aggrandizement in the past, but for two after years, 24 months of single-digit aggrandizement was historic. Now back the Russian-Ukraine war started, afresh as I said, we saw all-around aggrandizement growing and ours was additionally abnormally affected. In fact, aggrandizement went up to 54 per cent in 2022," the Minister added