Yvonne Nelson, Actress AdvertisementCelebrated extra and producer, Yvonne Nelson has talked about the several difficulties she encountered aback architecture her school

The extra claimed that ambience up the academy has been an acutely difficult and ambitious experience

She antiseptic that she ran out of money while amalgam her school, Yvonne Nelson All-embracing Academy and was clumsy to get coffer loans or added banking support

The extra said that the absorption ante proposed by the banks for the accommodation she requested were unreasonable; therefore, she had to advertise her abode and backdrop to armamentarium the architecture of the schools

"Obviously, we've aloof started primary academy and this is aloof appearance one. We are activity to abide and advance further. It is absolutely crazy because, at a point, I am accepting claimed now. Aback we started the project, I had to advertise my abode because I went to the banks for a accommodation and the percentages were, look, it did not accomplish sense

"So, I had to abatement aback on a abode and awash it. I had so abounding memories there, but I said to myself, Yvonne, this is the alone way, so I awash the house, started the building, the money accomplished and I had to dip into my savings," Yvonne Nelson said in an annual aggregate on X

Ghanaian extra Yvonne Nelson says she awash her abode and emptied her accumulation annual to body her school. pic.twitter.com/U1BPAJVxGf - EDHUB🌍ℹ (@eddie_wrt) August 6, 2024 Despite the hurdles, the Aloof Like Mama architect encountered in architecture her all-embracing school, she did not accord up

She added that she was hopeful about the outcome, acquainted that the academy would absolutely appulse its acceptance and accession several approaching leaders in Ghana