
Plastic takes over Jamestown beach [Photos + Video]

Plastic takes over Jamestown beach [Photos + Video]

In 2023, data provided by the World Economic Forum showed that, Ghana produces 840 000 tonnes of plastic waste annually, but only a small portion was being recycled.

When the unrecycled waste finds its way into the ocean, it’s not only a problem for people but marine life. 

On a visit to the Jamestown beach,’s Joseph Odotei observed that, the shores have been covered with plastic waste.

Plastic materials at the beach has reached an alarming rate and would require immediate solutions.

With the constant manufacture and disposal of plastic materials, the environment has become a dumping ground for an alarming amount of plastic trash.

From microplastics to bigger plastic products like bottles and bags, these pollutants endanger marine life, the food chain, human health, and the delicate balance of our planet’s waters.

Addressing plastic waste and marine litter not only ensures the health of our seas, but also promotes a sustainable future for the environment and humanity.

Original Story on: AdomOnline
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