In contempo times, Ghana has witnessed a billow in the cardinal of missing bodies beyond the country

The bearings has sparked affair amid the public, deepening calls for added accessible acuity and burning activity from the police

This advancing trend involves individuals of all ages, including children, youth, and the elderly. While some of these missing bodies are found, others abide missing, accent the burning charge to abode this arising accessible assurance threat

A contempo address by Missing Ghana, a non-profit alignment that works with the Ghana Badge Service and Department of Amusing Welfare, declared that 610 people, mostly children, accept been appear missing in Ghana aback 2021

Constance Mensah The contempo case involves a 15-year-old girl, Constance Mensah, who went missing in Kasoa Buduburam in the Central Region afterwards she was punished by her ancestors for advancing home backward afterwards accent her hair

The adventure was aggregate on Facebook by a amusing media influencer, James Annor Tetteh, bargain accepted as Nana Tea

He said Constance had gone out to accept a beard cut on Sunday, July 28, 2024, but alternate home late, bidding her ancestors to abuse her

According to her family, Constance took her academy bag and some shoes with her, but they are borderline what accouterment she was wearing

"She went out on Sunday to trim her hair, came aback late, and was punished for that. Again the abutting morning, they went to her allowance to anxiety her to adapt for school, but she wasn't there. The capital admission was locked, but a window opened. It happened at Kasoa Budumbram Rose Estates. They don't alike apperceive the affectionate of dress she wore. But she larboard with her academy bag and some academy shoes. Her name is Constance, and she is 15 years old," he aggregate on his timeline

UG Akin 300 student In the additional instance, a Akin 300 cartography apprentice from the University of Ghana was appear missing on July 21. 2024

According to reports, the student, whose name was not given, abreast his attached that he was activity home due to affliction but had not been apparent or heard from in 48 hours

The adventure was appear on amusing media by Guru NKZ, additionally accepted as Nana Yaw Adjei Maradona, a Ghanaian rapper who is a apprentice at the academy and is active for SRC president

Dora Asideka On July 16, 2024, Missing Ghana appear the dematerialization of a 56-year-old woman, Dora Asideka, on their Facebook page

According to the report, she was aftermost apparent at Ayetepa, Ningo-Prampam, in the Greater Accra Region cutting a wine-coloured dress

NDC Women's Organizer, Tema West constituency On July 3, 2024, the ancestors of Paulina Lamisi, the Women's Organizer for the Civic Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Tema West constituency, appear that their about had been missing aback June 12, 2024. Paulina reportedly larboard home afterwards commutual an appointment with her bedmate but has aback gone missing. According to reports, her buzz is reportedly unreachable, adopting apropos amid her ancestors and bidding them to address the amount to the police

"She larboard home alone on June 12, and all efforts to acquaintance her accept failed. We accept appear her dematerialization to the police, and a advertisement has been fabricated in the media. If we don't apprehend annihilation aural 7 days, the badge can admission a cloister adjustment to admission her buzz annal for added investigation

We are acutely afraid and adjure for her safe return. We appetite anyone with advice to appear forward. Wherever she is, we appeal with her to appear aback home," her brother acclaimed in an interview

Two missing accouchement in Tamale begin asleep On July 1, 2024, the Ghana Badge Service accomplished investigations into the afterlife of two accouchement whose bodies were begin in an alone agent in Kakpayili, a suburb of Tamale, in the Northern Region

The children, who were appear missing on June 25, 2024, were begin on Sunday, June 20, 2024, in a admixture aural the Kakpayili community

A account appear by the Ghana Badge Service on July 1, 2024 said the badge had commenced assay into the affairs surrounding the afterlife of the two children

Blessing Addo A 15-year-old boy, Blessing Addo was appear missing at Serebouso in the Atwiwa Mponua District of the Ashanti Region on July 15, 2024

According to reports, he was aftermost apparent in a atramentous shirt and a brace of blooming trousers at Serebouso

Former Interior Minister's acknowledgment to kidnappings, missing children In 2019, the again Interior Minister, Ambrose Dery, was summoned by Parliament to accord an amend on investigations into and aegis in the country at the time

Between August and December 2018, three cases of missing girls said to accept been kidnapped were appear in the Western Region

The bodies of the three missing girls were after retrieved. Aback then, there has not been any official advice from government or the area admiral on the admission in missing accouchement in contempo times

Aegis able on missing children Aegis analyst, Samuel Nana Appiah, has bidding anguish over the ascent cardinal of missing bodies cases in contempo times. He emphasised that a missing being address is alarming as it involves a abeyant accident to a life. He believes that whether the alone is an developed or a child, it should anxiety all Ghanaians

"We charge be anxious about these issues because some bad-natured individuals or abyss may be abaft these acts, putting anybody at risk," he noted

Speaking on 'Frontline' on Rainbow Radio 87.5FM, he appropriate that this trend adeptness be allotment of a arrangement orchestrated by bent elements

"If one being is declared missing and the arrangement continues, again we should be alarmed. Our aegis agencies charge to be adroit and accouterment this affair head-on." He accustomed that technology and adaptable accessories accept abundantly added the adeptness to clue and trace missing individuals

"Through investigation, aegis agencies can trace the aftermost anxiety and focus their assay on the area from which the aftermost anxiety was made. However, the catechism remains: how bound can we actuate if a being is missing, has encountered a problem, has been kidnapped, or has been harmed? These are analytical issues that our aegis agencies charge address", he noted

He accent the accent of acuity amid the Ghanaian public, as anyone could become a victim

"We charge be alert in our movements. Are we accommodating to acquaint others of our whereabouts? Some bodies lie about their location, authoritative it difficult to acquisition them back they are appear missing

While technology can clue missing individuals, we are ultimately amenable for our own safety. First and foremost, never burrow your area from those abutting to you or who affliction about you. Let others apperceive area you are for your own safety, so you can be calmly located

"We should additionally be accurate about the types of relationships we establish. Being astute and alert of the akin of assurance we abode in others is crucial. How bound we assurance or don't assurance bodies is significant," he explained

Back questioned about Ghana's success in rescuing or award those declared missing over the years, he said he couldn't be absolute due to the abridgement of affirmation to abject such a acumen on

He additionally recommended administering a civic aegis blackmail appraisal to categorise these cases and added actionable activities

"Receiving these letters from our aegis casework will advice the accessible acknowledge their assignment and abutment them in their duties

"Analysts, intelligence experts, and the media will accept admission to this information, while aegis desks can focus on assay and apprenticeship to accumulate the accessible informed. Seeing and audition from the intelligence community, the police, and civic aegis educates the populace," he explained