Kojo Yankah AdvertisementWith due account to President Nana Akufo Addo, may l allotment a little analysis l acquire advised on Ghana's independence: Dr JB Danquah and Dr Ako Adjei whom l had the advantage to account back l was administrator of the Uhuru Magazine, met Kwame Nkrumah for the aboriginal time in the United Kingdom

Nkrumah had accustomed in London afterwards a continued aeon of belief and agreeable in Pan African activities in the United States of America

Kwame Nkrumah had additionally met WEB Du Bois who arrive him (and Jomo Kenyatta) to be Secretary at the Manchester 1945 Congress. Lawyer and Scholar JB Danquah and Ako Adjei were both at the appointment and could not advice but apprehension this 'dynamic, radical, knowledgeable' Kwame Nkrumah who was actual alive at the conference. Back home to the UGCC which was agitating for independence, JB Danquah and Adjei had challenges with acclimation the masses

They absitively on agreeable Kwame Nkrumah to be General Secretary. Afterwards a few months, differences began to show. While Nkrumah anticipation the clip was too apathetic and elitist, the blow of the UGCC leaders saw Nkrumah as too ambitious. Nkrumah abdicate the UGCC (some say he was sacked) and went to Saltpond to begin a adolescence alignment which spearheaded the mobilization of what came to be accepted as the 'verandah boys', the arena abject of the CPP

Of course, while Ako Adjei and others after went forth with Kwame Nkrumah, a few like JB Danquah were not happy

The colonial administration, acquainted that Kwame Nkrumah and his affair were acceptable majority seats in all regions of the country in the 1951 and 1954 elections, had no best but to alpha negotiating with Nkrumah for Ghana's independence

Letters and accomplishments opposing Nkrumah's aisle to ability are accessible to verify. Nkrumah was in no affection to accommodate with Ghanaians who were NOT READY for independence; and he started implementing some of his affairs for Ghana back he was fabricated Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business. By 1956, the British were assured that Nkrumah had the abetment of majority Ghanaians and accordingly dealt with him till independence

Not every Ghanaian admired Kwame Nkrumah, but History is on the ancillary of Kwame Nkrumah as the Founding Father and Osagyefo of Ghana

Like in abounding added countries, abounding abounding acceptable leaders and individuals had played assorted roles angry colonialism, and  in the Gold Coast opposing colonial aphorism ; and they deserve to be accustomed and the specific role they played recorded for civic apprenticeship and posterity, but absolutely Kwame Nkrumah is in a chic of his own

There are a cardinal of politicians from UGCC who after abutting Kwame Nkrumah. I acquire how absinthian JB Danquah and those who became victims of the Preventive Detention Act would feel, but for civic cohesion, let us, like President Kufuor of the UP attitude apprentice to acquire Reconciliation as the alone path

Kojo Yankah is the Founder of the Pan African Heritage Museum and the African University College of Communications (AUCC)