The United States Admiral in Accra is affective to a new acceptance casework provider on August 26, 2024.

Access to the old acceptance annual provider's website and casework will cease on August 16, 2024.

Applicants will not be able to accomplish a new acceptance appointment, abolish or reschedule an absolute appointment, or admission chump service, amid August 16 and August 26, 2024.

Elliot Fertik, Consul General, U.S. Admiral in Ghana, acclamation the press, said, "All accepted nonimmigrant acceptance annual accessories abide valid."

"That agency if you currently accept a acceptance annual appointed with the U.S. Embassy, it is still accurate and you should plan on accessory the annual on the day of the appointment," he explained.

He said on August 16, the old arrangement arrangement and website would no best be attainable for changes.

"What that agency is that starting on the morning of August 16, you will no best be able to agenda new appointments, will not be able to accomplish acceptance fee payments, and chump annual will not be accessible," he added explained.

In addition, he said, if an appellant had requested an emergency or expedited arrangement and had not accustomed a acknowledgment by August 16, they would charge to resubmit their appeal in the new scheduling arrangement on or afterwards August 26.

Mr Fertik antiseptic that "during the aeon amid August 16 and August 26, you will not be able to accomplish new acceptance appointments, and you will not be able to abolish or reschedule any absolute appointments.

But if you accept an arrangement already appointed during that time, it is still valid. We will still annual you, and you should still appear to the admiral for your appointment."

The Consul General declared that on August 26, the Admiral would barrage the new scheduling arrangement and that the articulation to the new arrangement scheduling website would be on the Embassy's website: and amusing media platforms.

He common that "if your annual is appointed afore August 16, acceptation it is from now until August 15, there is no change. You can appear your appointment. You'll still be able to reschedule it, and you'll accept admission to your arrangement contour on the accepted acceptance arrangement system."

"If your annual is appointed amid August 16 and August 26, again, your acceptance annual will still appear on those days. But you will not be able to

access your account, which is the accepted acceptance arrangement system, on or afterwards August 16," he continued.

Mr Fertik brash that applicants should book out their arrangement acceptance belletrist afore August 16 if they had accessories during that aeon and that they should accompany that with them to the arrangement on their acceptance annual day.

"If you accept an annual amid August 16 and the 26, and you don't appear it or you're not able to accomplish it, analysis on the US Embassy's website on or afterwards August 26 for advice on how to proceed.

If your annual is appointed for August 26 or afterwards, no added action. The acceptance arrangement is still valid, but you will charge to log on to the US Embassy's website on August 26 for advice on the new arrangement system. And afresh you will charge to go in there and accomplish a new appointment," he said.

Mr Fertik added explained that, if an appellant had paid the acceptance appliance fee but had not been appointed for an interview, they should anon accomplish a acceptance arrangement afore August 16.

He said the new acceptance casework provider would not appear with an added amount to applicants as the amount of visas would abide the same, admitting with new annual enhancement.

Speaking on what collection the excess in acceptance demand, the Consul General empiric that the cardinal of bodies who paid for acceptance appliance fees in Ghana from 2019 afore the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to those who did in 2023, had tripled.

"So while certainly, we anticipate this new arrangement will accommodate some added enhancements and will be added efficient, what is activity to drive bottomward the excess is our efforts to try to just, again, do added interviews. And again, we've been accomplishing a lot more, processing a lot added applications," he said.

Mr Fertik acclaimed that with apprentice visas, the Admiral had candy added acceptance applications for acceptance than it did in the agnate time.

"...we are accomplishing aggregate we can to abate the delay time as abundant as we can," he assured applicants.

The Consul General apprenticed applicants to abide to adviser the Embassy's website and amusing media platforms for updates and seek accuracy if charge be.