Flagbearer of the action (NDC), , has apprenticed to acquaint accommodating mining in Talensi to actualize application opportunities if adopted in the December 7 elections

Speaking at Talensi on Monday, August 5, 2024, during his four-day attack bout in the Upper East Region, John Mahama fatigued that accommodating mining would advice addition the bounded abridgement and accommodate acceptable jobs for the adolescence and communities in the area

He assured that the NDC will accommodate artistic solutions to unemployment and advance bread-and-butter growth

"All the adolescent bodies who are absorbed in mining will annals cooperatives. We will get a acknowledgment for you and bisect it amid the cooperatives so that all of you can do your mining and acquire article for yourself

"We are activity to accompany graduates from the University of Mines and Technology at Tarkwa who apperceive aggregate about mining and we are activity to attach them to the cooperatives. So they will appearance you how to do the mining in a safe way and back you accept accomplished the mining how to akin the arena and bulb copse on it so that the arena will be reclaimed properly. There are two mining companies - Shanxi and Cardinal, we are activity to ask them to alternation our adolescent bodies in this area. So anytime they appetite to apply bodies they charge apply adolescent bodies from Talensi actuality and the surrounding areas," the above admiral said in a video in GhanaWeb's possession

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