Council for Scientific and Automated Analysis (CSIR) has common its address to accomplice the government and development ally to revolutionise the agronomical mural in adjustment to ensure added aliment security, job creation, adolescence development and bigger livelihoods

“We accept the appropriate technologies for this abundant transformation and are committed to assignment with government and development ally to accomplish the Ghana that we all desire,” the Director-General of the council, Professor Paul Bosu, has assured

He was speaking at the signing commemoration of a bunch fabricated up of the Crop Analysis Institute of the CSIR (CSIR-CRI), Analysis Extension Advisory Coordination Hub (iREACH) and some acclaimed farmers in the country

The CSIR-CRI iREACH consortium, comprise eight organisations with the CSIR-CRI as the advance academy and seven ample calibration acreage enterprises aural Ashanti, Bono and Bono East Regions. The cold is to calibration awful advantageous and commercially applicable technologies developed by the CSIR and its ally through years of accurate research

Prof. Bosu adumbrated that, “this is a cardinal accord to arch the gap amid technology development and utilisation…this bunch is, therefore, one of the abounding added initiatives actuality formed out calm with the CSIR Endowment Fund.” The Director General additionally empiric that the agronomical area connected to face abundant challenges in agreement of admission to affordable and advantageous technologies, “which explains why CORAF as a bounded organisation is announcement the iREACH with abutment from its partners.” “As the Director General of CSIR, I will ensure its sustainability to become the capital agent for authoritative CSIR technologies readily attainable and affordable,” he added

He was beholden to the sponsors (USAID through Kansa State University and the World Bank through its Aliment Systems Resilience Project) for the admirable business model

The Technical Manager of the CORAF iREACH initiative, Dr Caroline Makamto Sobgui, on her allotment was afraid that best of the times technologies that had been developed did not get to the farmers which was a big worrying

With the bunch in place, she said, it would comedy a above role to ensure the technologies would be awful patronised by farmers to ensure aerial aliment assembly in the country and added African nations

She was optimistic the bunch would facilitate admission to technologies by farmers to ensure aerial yields and aliment security

CORAF iREACH Development Manager, Dr Jonas Osei-Adu, bidding the achievement that farmers would now accomplish acceptable use of the technologies developed to enhance prosperity, aliment and diet aegis in Ghana and Africa as a whole

He said efforts would be fabricated to abutment and body bounded animal and institutional accommodation development in adjustment to ensure the bunch formed to expectation

Ag. Director of CSIR-CRI, Dr Ernest Baafi, took participants through the authorization of the Institute to advance and advertise demand- apprenticed technologies, and body accommodation for acceptable aliment and automated crop abundance to enhance livelihoods

The Coordinator of CSIR-CRI iREACH initiative, Prof. Emmanuel Otoo, on his allotment mentioned that over 150 varieties of crops accept been released, and the technologies were available, affirmation that, “if we amalgamate armament together, with the consortium, we will survive.” A affiliate of the consortium, Yusif Bunbas, on account of aide farmers, apprenticed abutment to ensure the activity assignment finer to enhance aliment assembly in the country