The Electoral Commission (EC) will from Thursday, August 1 to Saturday, August 3, 2024, conduct a mop up aborigine allotment exercise at all its 268 commune offices beyond the country

The exercise, which is additionally accepted to booty abode in 26 accessible universities and 41 bastille centres, will activate at 7 am to 6 pm anniversary day

The exercise will be conducted online as well

Speaking at a columnist conference in Accra on Monday, the Deputy Chairperson in Charge of Operations of the EC, Mr Samuel Tettey, said the move was to accord befalling for individuals who aloof angry 18 years to exercise their authorization during the December 7 accepted elections. He adumbrated that acceptable applicants were accepted to use their Ghana agenda or passports, which were the appropriate certificate to ensure accommodation to register

Mr Tettey added adumbrated that already registered voters could agreement for ten persons

However, he said that registered voters could alone agreement for ten persons, abacus that “newly registered voters are not able to agreement for anyone.” He fatigued that the allotment action was alone opened to Ghanaian association or those residing aural the districts

Political parties, Mr Tettey said, “are accustomed to accelerate their agents to beam the allotment process, but charge brainwash their associates on how to conduct themselves at the allotment centres.” According to him, the badge had been beside of the exercise and would accommodate able aegis at the allotment centres

He apprenticed the applicants to conduct themselves appropriately during the allotment process

Mr Tettey additionally brash parents not to acquiesce their accouchement beneath 18 years to attack registering, abacus that the allotment action was for alone those who had not yet registered

He acclaimed that the exhibition of the aborigine annals would booty abode from August 20 to August 27 afterwards the mop up exercise to acquiesce all registered voters to analysis whether their names had been captured in the voters register

The EC, Mr Tettey said, accept had an accelerated assurance with MTN Ghana for assured internet connectivity and explained that in case of internet challenges, it would resort to the chiral allotment process

He apprenticed all political parties to be beside with the rules of the allotment action in adjustment to accept a acclaim and cellophane aborigine annals to ensure a peaceful acclamation in December this year

He adumbrated that so far, a conditional amount of 18,681,366 acceptable voters had been captured in the aborigine annals and were assured 50,000 to 70,000 acceptable voters to annals during the mop up exercise