The Appointment of the Attorney-General will address adjoin the accommodation of the Court of Address in Accra, on Tuesday, July 30, absolution and absolution the Minority Leader, Dr Cassiel Ato Forson, and Mr Richard Jakpa in the ambulance case, the Attorney-General and Minster of Justice, Mr Godfred Yeboah Dame, has announced

This was independent in a account active and affected the Ghanaian Times by Mr Dame

“The Appointment of the Attorney-General considers the accommodation of the Court of Address grossly arbitrary to the nation and adverse to the action adjoin dispensation and corruption in accessible office. The Appointment will promptly book an address in adjustment to abolish the aftereffect of this erroneous accommodation of the Court of Appeal,” the Attorney- General and Minister of Justice said

He said “The Appointment of the Attorney-General considers the accommodation of the Court of Address to be abnormal in the adventure for accessible accountability and the aphorism of law. The accommodation acutely is heavily adjoin the weight of the cogent affirmation led by the case in analysis of all the accuse adjoin the accused bodies at the trial.”   By a 2-1 majority decision, the Court of Address in Accra set abreast the cardinal of the balloon High Court judge, Justice Serwaa Asare-Botwe delivered on March 30, 2024 allurement the accused to accessible their defence

According to Mr Dame, the cartage purporting to be ambulances were alien into the country in December 2014 in abuse of the arrangement administering the transaction

He said the above Minister of Health, Ms Sherry Aryittey, had cautioned in autograph adjoin the access of the cartage into the country

“There was appropriately no appeal by the Ministry of Health for the cartage to be alien into the country, or for the belletrist of acclaim which were the agency of acquittal for the cartage beneath the contract, to be established,” Mr Dame said

With no appeal from the Ministry of Health or any authorisation whatsoever, and at a time that the aeon for accumulation of the ambulances beneath the arrangement had alike lapsed, the Attorney-General and Minster of Justice said Dr Forson, by belletrist anachronous August 7 and 14, 2014, instructed the Bank of Ghana and the Controller and Accountant-General to affair belletrist of acclaim for the acquittal for the vehicles

“The belletrist of acclaim were appropriately accustomed on August 18, 2014. Big Sea General Trading LLC, the suppliers of the cartage based in Dubai, whose arrangement had no aldermanic approval, proceeded to address the cartage on cancellation of the belletrist of credit.” The Attorney-General said that back the cartage arrived, they were not of the affectionate defined in the contract

He said afar from the absence of basal genitalia and accessories appropriate for an ambulance, the National Ambulance Service and the Ministry of Health acclaimed austere defects with every actual allotment of the vehicles