A Natural Resource and Governance Analyst, Richard Ellimah, has said that leaders of the country lack the political will to fight galamsey.

He is of the view that, illegal miners have encroached upon the country's lands, consistently mining in untouched rivers, and ultimately polluting them.

Speaking at capacity building activity for selected journalists in Ashanti Region at Obuasi on overview of Research on Resettlement and Compensation in Mining Induced Communities in the country, Mr Ellimah questioned if "Ghana cannot have a robust fight on galamsey?" A cross section of participants The event which was organised by the Centre for Social Impact Studies (CESIS), was also attended by some community members in mining areas in Obuasi and other parts of the Ashanti Region.

They were educated on mining laws, Compensation and Resettlement, what the country has gained from mining and harm caused over the years.