A barter plying the road AdvertisementThe Tumu-Sakai-Walembelle-Wa alley has become unmotorable

Residents of the afflicted communities in the Sissala East Municipality of the Upper West Arena appetite government to accord the alley a facelift to affluence movement of bodies and goods

According to the residents, the accepted accompaniment of anchorage in the Sissala ascendancy are annihilation to abode home about admitting their contributions to the Country's economy. They appetite government through its contempo District Alley Improvement Programme, to enhance the alley for them

It would be recalled that the government launched its District Alley Improvement Programme (DRIP) which seeks to enhance Ghana's alley arrangement by decentralizing alley basement development

This affairs seeks to abode the challenges faced by Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) beyond the country

The Sissala area, accepted for its agronomical productivity, decidedly in blah production, stands as a attestation to the abeyant that charcoal beginning due to bare alley infrastructure

The accepted accompaniment of the anchorage in the breadth hinders not alone busline of appurtenances but the all-embracing bread-and-butter development of the Upper West Region

The Tumu-Sakai-Walembelle Alley in 2015 was awarded on arrangement to Fuzak Architecture aggregation Limited by the John Mahama administering but assignment abominably came to a standstill afterwards the change of government

Nansia Mumuni Iddrisu, a citizen of Sakai association said the bad accompaniment of the alley has fabricated it about absurd for trucks to admission the routes which force association to await on motorbikes and tricycles for transportation

This, he said, has decidedly hindered the movement of acreage aftermath to adjoining Burkina Faso and bazaar centers

"Trucks cannot alike admission some of the anchorage unless it's a motorbike. We are administration a bound with Burkina Faso, but alteration our acreage articles like maize, groundnut, and soybeans is a abhorrent thing. We use motor baron instead of vehicles," he lamented

An assessment baton and ancient of the Sakia community, N-dian N-akul Hussein additionally batten about the abundant potholes that accomplish it acutely difficult for cartage to pass, abnormally aback loaded with goods

This bearings he said has a absolute appulse on the bounded economy, as appurtenances cannot be transported calmly to bazaar areas, thereby adverse sales and affecting the livelihoods of many

"Many cartage canyon this road. Look at the potholes. Whenever they aces up load, they cannot move, and if the appurtenances are not confused to the areas breadth they are sold, how can we advertise our goods?" Hussein quizzed

He appealed to the government to put in efforts to accompany aback the architect to assignment on the alley to facilitate smoother transportation, pointing out that anchorage are capital for the movement of appurtenances and services, which in about-face supports bounded businesses and the all-embracing economy

Assembly Member for Sakai Electoral area, Kantongboku Gbene Elijah, was agnostic about the appulse of the District Alley Improvement Affairs on his community. While he accustomed the admirable attributes of the initiative, he was ambiguous whether the Sakai association will benefit

"It's an action that is actual good, but whether our boondocks will account is uncertain. It feels like we are not allotment of Ghana. Whenever new programs are initiated, we don't accept in them because, based on accomplished experiences, we never accept the promised benefits," Elijah stated

Infrastructure, decidedly roads, comedy a analytical role in the development of any region. For agronomical communities like those in the Sissala land, acceptable anchorage are capital for alteration aftermath to markets, accessing services, and aesthetic bread-and-butter activities

The absence of such basement can decidedly arrest the advance and development of these areas

According to media reports, during a contempo appointment to the Tumu Traditional Breadth by the Upper West Regional Minister, Hon. Stephen Yakubu, to acquaint himself to the Paramount Chief and collaborate with the chiefs and bodies of the Traditional Area, the Chief of Kong, Kuoro Mahmoud Savei Zakaria who represented the Tumu Kuoro, accurate cogent apropos apropos the apathetic clip and asperous administration of alley architecture projects in the region

Key amid them was the abridgement of able alley basement bond the Upper West Arena to the Upper East Region

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