While private sector players like SAPP and Karpowership generate significantly more electricity per unit of gas, the VRA's plants are struggling to keep pace.

For instance, VRA Tema, the least efficient plant in the report, requires a much larger volume of gas to produce the same amount of power as its competitors.Justification for PrivatizationPrivatization could bring much-needed efficiency, accountability, and investment to Ghana's thermal power generation.

With private entities operating key plants, the market would be more dynamic, spurring innovation and potentially reducing the cost of power to end consumers.4.

Privatization would transfer this risk to the private sector, potentially freeing up government resources for other critical sectors such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.Expert Judgement Ghana's thermal power plants are a vital part of the country's energy mix, but inefficiencies, particularly within the VRA-operated plants, are holding back the sector's full potential.

As Ghana looks to modernize its power sector and improve service delivery, privatizing VRA's thermal plants should be a key consideration in future energy reforms.Privatization offers a path to not only optimize gas resources but also position Ghana's energy sector for a more sustainable and competitive future.Dr.