Mahamudu Bawumia, has reaffirmed the government's commitment to addressing the longstanding issue of "ghost names" on the public payroll system.

Bawumia emphasised that this issue, which has long drained public resources and undermined trust in the country's financial management systems, continues to be systematically tackled.

According to Bawumia, the payroll database is under continuous scrutiny to safeguard its integrity and ensure that only authorized and legitimate employees benefit from government payments.

During a tour of Bawjiase, in the Awutu Senya West constituency, Bawumia said the government remains committed to combating various forms of corruption, including the pervasive issue of "ghost names" on government payrolls. "Through the Ghana Card, we have made significant strides in eliminating ghost names from government payrolls.

The Controller and Accountant General has since removed all ghost names from the government payroll. "Today, we can confidently assert that the Ghana Card has helped eradicate ghost names from our government's payroll."