Security consultant and risk analyst, Prof Kwesi Aning, has challenged the notion that peace is universally beneficial.

According to him, while peace is often viewed as a common good, there are individuals in the country who actually profit from the absence of peace.

Speaking during the National Dialogue on Peace Beyond Election 2024, Prof Aning explained that a critical analysis of the country's current trajectory suggests that certain individuals and groups have deliberately made decisions to disrupt peace, noting that their personal and collective interests are better served in the absence of peace.

He expressed concern over Ghana's declining position on the Peace Index, noting, "We are now the 4th most peaceful country in West Africa and the 43rd globally.

Our democracy is characterised by the Institute for Economics and Peace as flawed democracy. "Meaning we have been voting over the past 32 years that we have had this constitution and very little is actually happening," he said.

He stated that citizen participation through active engagement and amplifying alternative voices, especially during election periods is good for maintaining peace.

Prof Aning further criticised the international community for perpetuating the idea that misinformation in Ghana is primarily driven by external forces like Russia and China. "If that is why you are giving us your money, take your money away because when our politicians stand on platforms and lie and distort our history, are they telling us that the Russians have told them to do so?" he asked.

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