Some fisherfolks forth the littoral belt of the Keta Municipality accept complained about bereft premix ammunition for fishing afterwards the bankrupt fishing season. This, according to them, had afflicted fishing activities arch to low abundance in the bounded economy

Mr. Koku Kpogo Labista, a Canoe and net buyer at Dzelukope, a suburb of Keta, in an account with the Ghana News Agency, declared that several fisher association had suffered agnate challenges due to the dearth of premix ammunition in the area

"For instance, at Nukpesekope Landing beach, the aftermost time the premix ammunition was actuality was in aftermost year November which abounding complained it was not alike abundant for all fisher association about the area," he said

Mr. Kpogo added lamented that due to the dearth of the premix fuel, added fishers were affected to use a admixture of petrol and agent oil on the sea which was big-ticket and dangerous

He said abounding were alert of added or balance premix ammunition afterwards the 31-day bankrupt division which concluded on Wednesday, July 31

"We are ambrosial to the accumulated entities, philanthropists, individuals and the government to accommodate ammunition for us to addition our abundance forth the coast." Mr. Kpogo additionally lamented how catches went bottomward afterwards the aboriginal two canicule of the bankrupt fishing season

He appropriate that the government charge accede a bankrupt division in May or August instead because July remained a above fishing season

Some fishermen, the GNA engaged, additionally lamented about the abridgement of premix ammunition and had back appealed to the authorities to break the challenge

Meanwhile, the GNA, during a appointment to the shores at Anloga, Keta, Anyanui, Blekusu and added surrounding communities, empiric some anatomy of low autumn by fishermen as they resumed addition fishing season