Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah is Deputy Minority Leader AdvertisementMember of Parliament for Ellembelle Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah has told Admiral Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo not to adapt Ghana's history, abnormally apropos who founded Ghana

The Deputy Minority Leader declared that Dr Kwame Nkrumah is the artist of Avant-garde Ghana

President Akufo-Addo in his 2024  Founders' Day address on Saturday, August 3, Mr Akufo-Addo objected to the affirmation that Ghana was founded by Dr Kwame Nkrumah

In 2019, Parliament anesthetized a law establishing August 4 as  Founders' Day to honour the aggregate efforts of those who contributed to Ghana's adeptness struggle, while anecdotic September 21 as Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day

"I allege to you this evening, abnegation completely, the angle that Ghana was founded by one man. While Kwame Nkrumah's contributions to our adeptness are undeniable, it is important to accede for ourselves that account that the attempt for our nation's abandon was a aggregate accomplishment spanning several generations," the admiral said in his broadcast

"The accumulation of the Aborigines Rights Protection, the British West African Nation Congress, the United Gold Coast Convention, the assignment of endless unsung heroes, and the adamant spirit of our bodies all played basic genitalia in bringing us to abandon and independence

Ghana, aforetime accepted as the Gold Coast, was beneath British colonial aphorism for over a century. The action for adeptness was not a ad-lib accident but the aftereffect of years of agitation, activism, and political organization. While assorted individuals contributed to this struggle, it was Nkrumah's aberrant administration and eyes that paved the way for Ghana's freedom." He added "Kwame Nkrumah was not aloof a actor in Ghana's adeptness struggle; he was the artist and active force abaft the movement. His acknowledgment from the United States in 1947, afflicted by Pan-Africanism and socialism, apparent the alpha of a abolitionist access to the action for independence. Nkrumah's founding of the Convention People's Party (CPP) in 1949 and his byword "Self-Government Now!" galvanized the masses and set the date for Ghana's liberation

"Nkrumah's different adeptness to activate the masses through strikes, protests, and demonstrations challenged colonial ascendancy and aggressive accustomed Ghanaians to appeal their rights. His brave adherence to accord aural the nationalist movement and his advancement for Pan-Africanism showcased his abstracted administration and charge to a chargeless Africa." On March 6, 1957, he explained. Ghana acquired adeptness from colonial rule, with Nkrumah at the beginning of the movement

Nkrumah's acknowledgment of adeptness and his behavior adapted Ghana into a alarm of achievement for Africa, he added

"Nkrumah's contributions as the aboriginal Prime Minister and Admiral of Ghana caked his position as the founding ancestor of the nation

"President Akufo-Addo charge admit that afterwards eight years of advised efforts to adapt Ghana's history, Kwame Nkrumah's cachet as the artist of avant-garde Ghana is durably established. No bulk of political advertising can anytime abate his bequest or adapt the actual accuracy of his aces contributions to our nation."