AdvertisementFlagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) John Dramani Mahama has bidding his acknowledgment to the Paramount Chief of Bawku Traditional Area, Zug-Raan Asigri Abugrago Azorka, the chiefs, queen mothers and bodies of Kusaug for their balmy acceptable & alive accord in his #Mahama4Change2024 attack in the Upper East Region

Mr Mahama said on Facebook afterwards the appointment that "together, as a affiliated country, we will body the Ghana we want, appropriation our bodies out of poverty, deepening agronomics by introducing agriculturalist casework centres, and convalescent healthcare & amusing infrastructure." Mr Mahama added declared the bench of government, Jubilee Abode ahead accepted as Flagstaff Abode as the address of misinformation

That is breadth affected belief are adapted up, Mr Mahama alleged

Speaking in Binduri on Sunday August 4 as allotment of his campaign, John Mahama took on the admiral allurement him to accord with the affair of misinformation appropriate from his home first

"Yesterday, I went to Bawku Naba's alcazar and he batten about the affair of abstraction out addition arena to beset the six constituencies in this area

"I explained that there were built-in processes that bare to be gone through and that the belief were 1, bread-and-butter viability,  2, acreage admeasurement and 3, population. Aside from that a address charge be presented, and a agency of analysis charge be set up to attending at the achievability of creating a region

"Then in the evening, I saw a affected account adventure misrepresenting absolutely what I said and aggravating to put me adjoin the Mamprugu state. I never mentioned Mamprugu Yesterday at all,  I was aloof comparing acreage admeasurement and arena and bread-and-butter viability

"The admiral comes with misinformation and he acclimated the Agyapadie certificate as an archetype of misinformation but apparently what the admiral doesn't apperceive is that his office, the Flagstaff Abode is the address of misinformation

"That is breadth the affected stories, adulterate what bodies accept said and augment it into amusing media,  his own appointment is breadth they do that so he should apple-pie his abode aboriginal afore he talks about misinformation in added places."