The Paramount Chief of the Bawku Traditional Area, Zugraan Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II, has bidding achievement that the electorate in the breadth will accolade above President , Flagbearer of the (NDC), for his eyes for Ghana

He accustomed that the abundant development projects accomplished by the NDC beneath President Mahama's administration had larboard an enduring mark in the Traditional Area

"It is my close acceptance that the bodies of Kusaug will accolade you abundantly for your generosity appear our nation's advance and prosperity," the Zugraan said in a accent apprehend on his account back the NDC Flagbearer alleged on him

The appointment to the chief's alcazar was on the aboriginal day of Mr. Mahama's attack bout to the Upper East Region

The Paramount Chief accustomed the "peaceful nature" of the Flagbearer and his charge to the abundance of the citizenry during his tenure

"As you seek to acknowledgment to appointment as the President of Ghana, I appetite you to abide announcement accord and amplitude amid all citizens," he said

"Your administration appearance is admired by Ghanaians, and your manifesto, which is human-centered, is abating the hopes of abounding during this bread-and-butter hardship." Naba Azoka appealed to the Flagbearer to accent the infrastructural needs of his Traditional Breadth if accustomed the nod to be President and requested the architecture of a government hospital to serve as a barometer centermost for Bawku

"Besides this, the Savannah Agronomical Research Centre, which has accurate our farmers for so abounding decades, now qualifies to become a University for Agronomical Research," he said

"As a man abounding of eyes for animal development, we address to you to accede the appeal to enhance and advance the agronomical breadth to ensure aliment aegis for our nation." "This, we believe, will accompany babyminding afterpiece to the people, arch to the added account of the civic block by all in Kusaug." Ex-President Mahama, acclamation the chiefs and bodies of the area, recalled that in 2016, the architecture of a avant-garde hospital in Bawku was a above attack affiance by the NDC to advance the healthcare needs of residents

It was additionally to ensure they did not accept to biking to the Regional Hospital in Bolgatanga and the Tamale Teaching Hospital for medical care

"There is a hospital we were architecture in Garu, which abominably has been abandoned. I can assure the bodies of Garu that back we come, we will abide and accomplishment that hospital too, so that they can accept admission to avant-garde healthcare facilities," he said

Mr. Mahama said there were abounding projects beneath architecture beneath his government that adjourned back the NDC larboard government

"I bethink I cut the sod for the alpha of the Bolga-Bawku-Pulmakum alley ancient in 2015. We accepted that the alley would accept been completed." "As of now, the architect has larboard the armpit and the alley has been abandoned. I can assure you and assure Bawku Naba that back we come, we will accouterment that alley and accomplishment it." The Flagbearer was accompanied by Mr. Mahama Ayariga, MP for the area, Mr. Cletus Apul Avoka, MP for Zebilla, Mr. Julius Debrah, above Chief of Staff, Professor Joshua Alabi, the Attack Coordinator, and Madam Joyce Bawah Mogtari, Spokesperson to the Above President, amid added affair admiral and aldermanic candidates