The Member of Parliament for Kumbungu, Prof.

Hamza Adam, officially launched the Skills and Entrepreneurial Development Initiative (SEDI), aimed at empowering the youth and artisans of the Kumbungu Constituency.  The initiative focuses on providing essential vocational skills and entrepreneurial training to enhance self-reliance and spur economic development in the region.

In a speech delivered at the launch event on September 12, 2024, Prof.

Hamza Adam emphasized the critical role vocational training plays in addressing unemployment and fostering economic independence, especially in the face of the country's current economic challenges. "The importance of vocational skills cannot be downplayed in our current disposition.

The current teething unemployment in the country, coupled with economic challenges, calls for charting innovative paths that have the potential to provide sustainable solutions," he stated.

The SEDI program aims to offer innovative training, mentorship, and resources to enable individuals to thrive in today's fast-evolving economy.  The initiative, rooted in the broader vision of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for youth and women's empowerment, will also serve as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. "The focus of academic education, though helpful, is limited in finding jobs for our fast-growing youthful population.

Vocational training accommodates any school dropout or even adults so that they can be financially independent irrespective of whether they have gone through formal education or not," Prof.

Hamza Adam remarked.

As part of the initiative's launch, the MP provided 50 sewing machines to local tailors and dressmakers to equip them with the necessary tools to excel in their work.

He further assured that other artisans, including weavers, carpenters, masons, welders, hairdressers, and beauticians, will receive similar support in the future. "I am not taking your confidence in me as MP for granted, and so I will continue to give out my very best towards holistically developing the great Kumbungu Constituency," Prof.

Adam promised.

SEDI will focus on several key areas, including: Providing logistical support to technical and vocational training institutions.

Enhancing the capacities of vocational professionals through refresher training.

Incentivizing skilled trainers to promote the apprenticeship system.

Facilitating cooperatives among vocational professionals to improve access to services.

Promoting the marketing of products produced by local vocational institutions.

The MP urged stakeholders within and outside Kumbungu to support this transformative initiative, which is poised to foster a new generation of skilled professionals and visionary entrepreneurs capable of driving positive change and sustainable economic growth.