AdvertisementGhana has afresh been engulfed in animated civic address centered on the breakable accompaniment of babyminding and autonomous attempt aural its borders

It is an accessible abstruse that the amount of active is spiralling out of ascendancy while bribery is a pernicious blight bistro abroad at the nation's fabric

Inspired by the contempo Gen Z-led protests in Kenya, which accountable President Ruto to abolish the advancing Finance Bill 2024 and abolish chiffonier members, Ghanaian adolescence are now at the beat of ambitious accountability and transparency

These adolescent activists are affiliated in their action to absonant taxation that exacerbates the already acute amount of active crisis amidst crippling unemployment

Prophet Elvis Mbonye Despite adverse attrition from law enforcement, they abide in their attempt for the appropriate to affably beef adjoin these acute issues

But aboriginal it's important to apperceive how the protests in Kenya started and how they scaled to a abounding absolute revolution

Take Astrologer Elvis Mbonye, admired astrologer from Uganda, who gave a ascetic prophetic admonishing to leaders of the nation of Kenya on 24th October 2023.  The abrupt bulletin accent the after-effects of absurd decisions they fabricated which would attempt Kenya into darkness

He castigated the angle of accomplishing of the   Religious Regulation Bill which was aggressive by the bamboozlement of black appropriately agreeable adverse disasters in the anatomy of aberrant abundant rain and flooding

Three months later, adverse floods ravaged Kenya. The rains, meant for a season, fell in a distinct day

Hundreds of bags were displaced, hundreds died, and basement crumbled. Despite broadcasted warnings, leaders downplayed the prophecy, blaming altitude change. This raises a analytical question: why abstain a accurate prophet's bright warning? Consequently, his contempo advertisement during the 7th May 2024 fellowship, bore awkward revelations. Despite his abysmal adulation for Kenya, he warned that a alluringly aggressive apocalypse could not be ignored, and its fulfilment was imminent

He batten of plagues agnate to those that ravaged Egypt, assertive to bang bottomward Kenya's best able leaders who clung to alluvial solutions while blank God's wisdom. Yet, a blink of achievement ascent in the border set to bore the black - a all-around activation would anon activate to spread

The agitation and activation he alluded to was the access of Gen Z's anti-government protests. Public acerbity had accomplished a baking point, arch to the degradation of abundant leaders and the abolition of acreage by affronted citizens gluttonous retribution

Needless to say, one can't abstain God's pronouncements after adverse the consequences, and that's absolutely what's accident to the Kenyan leaders. They scoffed at the prophetic voice, a man with a accurate clue almanac of accomplished prophecies

Now, the chickens accept appear home to roost. They're larboard scrambling to aces up the pieces of the blend they created

The anarchy is absolutely far from over. Even now as Ghana seeks transformation and change it so dearly needs, we should not balloon the accent of gluttonous God's advice through his called vessels. Only again can we ensure astute administration and abstain repeating baking ourselves in the aforementioned absinthian brew.  Written By: Shannon Mujera