In a growing chorus of voices demanding immediate intervention, the Catholic Bishops' Conference has called on the government to intensify efforts to eliminate illegal mining, locally referred to as galamsey.

The conference, consisting of archbishops and bishops from across the country, issued a strong statement urging the government to end the "lip service" and adopt drastic measures to combat the menace.

The statement highlights the significant environmental destruction caused by illegal mining activities, particularly the contamination of water bodies and the degradation of agricultural lands.

In addition to these, the bishops also expressed concerns over the health risks associated with galamsey, as well as the weak enforcement of laws that have allowed the practice to persist.

The Catholic Bishops' Conference also commended the efforts of the Media Coalition Against Galamsey, as well as certain traditional leaders who have outlawed illegal mining in their regions.

However, they stressed the need for a unified front, calling on all stakeholders-including the government, legislature, judiciary, media, civil society, chiefs, and religious leaders-to join in the fight against environmental degradation caused by galamsey. "We acknowledge the activism so far by the Media Coalition Against Galamsey, some of our Chiefs who barred and outlawed galamsey activities in their traditional areas and call on all other stakeholders, including the government, legislature, judiciary, media, civil society, chiefs and religious leaders, to unite in the fight against illegal mining and environmental degradation. "We urge the following: "Immediate and Decisive Action by Government: We urge the government to stop the lip service in fighting galamsey by employing all available means to halt illegal mining activities.

This includes enforcing existing laws, holding perpetrators accountable, and ensuring that those involved in illegal mining face the full force of the law without fear or favour. "Education and Awareness Campaigns: We call on the media, civil society organizations, and religious bodies to amplify education and awareness campaigns on the devastating effects of illegal mining.

Communities must be empowered to understand the long-term consequences of galamsey. "Restoration of Affected Areas: We urge the government to prioritize the reclamation of destroyed lands and the restoration of polluted water bodies.

This process must involve local communities, led by the Chiefs and be transparent to ensure the recovery of the environment.

We recommend strongly, a temporal moratorium on all licensed community mining activities. "Promoting Sustainable Mining Practices: While mining remains an important part of Ghana's economy, it must be carried out responsibly and sustainably.

We call on mining companies, both large-scale and small-scale, to adhere strictly to environmental regulations and to adopt practices that protect the environment. "Support for Alternative Livelihood Programmes: Many of those engaged in illegal mining do so out of economic desperation.

We urge the government to invest in alternative livelihood programmes that provide sustainable employment opportunities for these individuals, particularly in agriculture and other sectors. "Political Campaign Against Galamsey: We strongly urge all Presidential and Parliamentary Candidates to make public commitments against galamsey in their ongoing political campaigns and call on their followers to follow suit.

Say NO to galamsey!"