As allotment of efforts to action the advance of affected account and rumours, the Government is alive with account app developers, media owners and stakeholders in the new media ecosystem to accomplish it barren for bodies to advertise apocryphal information

Through the Ministry of Information, the Government is, therefore, alive to enhance mechanisms for fact-checking amid journalists, acceptable media outlets, account app developers and stakeholders in the media space

Ms Fatimatu Abubakar, the Minister of Information, fabricated this accepted in an account with the media in Accra on Saturday

She said the Ministry had formed collaboratively with stakeholders in the media mural to advance a abstract certificate on a National Action Plan on Misinformation and Disinformation, which is currently afore Cabinet for application and approval

Upon approval, the Minister said, it would acquit the media ecosystem and accomplish it barren for bodies to advance apocryphal information

The Action Plan has six-point action to action misinformation and bamboozlement in Ghana, she said

The Government is additionally alive to canyon the Broadcasting Bill into law to abetment in acclamation misinformation and disinformation

"In the absence of authentic advice and facts, a exhaustion is created and bodies booty advantage to advance falsehoods and rumours," she said

"Reseach shows that affected account advance faster than absolute facts. For instance, a analysis on Twitter now X, showed that 70 per cent of affected account is acceptable to be retweeted than advice on government policies." "This is why we are absent to cure it," Ms Abubakar added

The Minister said accoutrement beneath the 1992 Constitution gave rights to journalists and the accessible to accept able admission to advice but area there was affected account that rights was threatened

"The appropriate to advice is the appropriate to accuracy and the appropriate to actuality and not to misinformation," she said

Ms Abubakar common the Ministry's boldness to coact added with fact-checking institutions, including Dubawa, Fact-Check Ghana and some media houses to action adjoin the advance of affected news

That, she said, would accomplish bodies acquainted to fact-check every account they accustomed from any account portal

Ms Abubakar accent some measures the Ministry had instituted to accredit the accessible to verify or validate advice including the Government's agenda achievement tracker, which accept abstracts on government's infrastructural projects and action initiatives

The Media Capacity Enhancement Programme, she said, was one of the strategies the Ministry adopted to enhance able convenance and accredit journalists to be acquainted in acceptance advice afore broadcasting or publishing

So far, 140 journalists accept benefitted in agreement of training in ethical journalism beneath the programme