AdvertisementDr. Peter Boamah Otokunor, an Agronomical Economist and a affiliate of the NDC Manifesto Committee, emphasized the burning charge for a absolute and able agronomics action framework in Ghana

Speaking on the affair "The Agric Manifesto," he afford ablaze on several analytical issues afflictive the country's agronomical area alignment from issues of production, amount of production, able programming of subsidy regimes, and misalignment of agronomics assembly to food

He accurately criticized the ascribe administration arrangement for the Planting for Aliment and Jobs (PFJ) initiative, explaining, "The absolute ascribe administration arrangement for a action like the Planting for Aliment and Jobs was accustomed to two or three companies. They accompany in all the agrochemicals, ascendancy the agrochemical market, and do the supply. There are no agency to analysis if the subsidy is actuality acknowledging or whether the farmers are benefiting from the subsidy, so the subsidy does not go to the farmers." One of the above challenges Dr. Otokunor discussed was the admission to markets for farmers. He fatigued that the action framework charge accommodate able-bodied business structures to ensure farmers can calmly advertise their produce. "Now we are in amazon division already, and farmers are accusatory that their tomatoes are accessible and are accepting baby because the busline systems are poor, the accession systems are poor, and admission to the bazaar is poor so they autumn the tomatoes, and post-harvest administration becomes a problem." he lamented

Additionally, Dr. Otokunor bemoaned the misalignment amid agronomics assembly and aliment systems. He explained that these two apparatus are generally advised as abstracted entities, arch to action inefficiencies. "We accept misaligned the aliment arrangement and the agronomics assembly systems, and these are two altered things. Mostly, we focus on agronomics production, which fails because of action inefficiencies and how it is not affiliated to food," he stated

To enhance the sector's effectiveness, Dr. Otokunor emphasized the charge for agro-processing or value-addition programs that would advance to agro-industrialization. He illustrated the accent of accessibility in aliment security, cartoon absorption to how quick-to-prepare foods like Indomie accept acquired popularity. "The affair about aliment aegis is that it has four legs, and accessibility is one of them. Bodies will eat because it is acceptable for them. For example, Indomie has become accepted because bodies can adapt it aural three minutes, clashing banku or fufu, which takes two hours to prepare. So, our agro-industrialization or agro-processing administration should ambition how to accomplish our aliment added acceptable in agreement of processing," he explained