AdvertisementGhana and Morocco accept absitively to strengthen their alternate and multilateral relations for their alternate benefits

The accommodation was appear in Accra on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 by Herbert Krapa, Ghana's Abbot of Accompaniment at the Ministry of Energy, and Imane Ouaadil, the Moroccan Ambassador to Ghana

Speaking at a ceremony honouring the 25th ceremony of His Majesty King Mohammed VI's accretion to the Moroccan throne, they were abutting by assembly of the Moroccan association in Ghana, diplomats, accompaniment secretaries, parliamentarians, acceptable and religious leaders, and others

Mrs Ouaadil said "the bread-and-butter ties amid our two countries are developing dynamically and we advance outstanding cultural and bookish collaboration, which are the axiological drivers of a fruit­ful cooperation." "The accord amid our two countries is in abounding respects stronger now than it has anytime been and I attending advanced to abide architecture on this accord to advance an alike afterpiece affiliation of equals beyond the altered sectors of alternate interest." According to Imane Ouaadil, King Mohammed VI had a bright compassionate of the acceptation of African integration

She added said that during his reign, Morocco has adequate its ties with abounding African nations, including Ghana, by visiting these nations alone and signing agreements for cooperation in a ambit of areas, including infrastructure, health, apprenticeship and agriculture

Touching on the acceptation of the 25th anniversary, Mrs. Ouaadil said "our ceremony today pays accolade to the arresting transformation the Kingdom has accomplished beneath his Majesty's administration over the accomplished 25 years." The Ambassador acclaimed that Mohammed VI has guided Morocco through a cogent bread-and-butter and amusing anarchy back ascendance the head in 1999

"Over the accomplished 25 years, Moroc­co, a thousand-year-old country at the capital of cultures, has accomplished arresting bread-and-butter advance and structural reforms accept been implemented to innovate, allure adopted investment, and modernise infrastructure," she emphasised

Mrs. Ouaadil acicular out that Morocco was committed to bread-and-butter ameliorate and alive adamantine to strengthen its bread-and-butter resilience, but additionally to position itself as a alarm of acceptable development, adage "central to Morocco's abiding abundance is its New Development Model, which focuses on amusing protection, inclusiveness, and gender equality." On his part, the Abbot of Accompaniment at the Ministry of Energy, Herbert Krapa, congratulated the Moroccan bodies on the 25th ceremony of their King and recognised Ghana's cultural and bread-and-butter ties to the country in North Africa

He said both countries accept a affluent history and will abide to body able diplomatic, bread-and-butter and cultural ties

"We abide to coact at the alternate and multilateral levels for our alternate benefits, beneath the acceptance that by alive calm and acknowledging anniversary other, we can affected the challenges we face," Mr. Krapa said

He added that Ghana has set the date for bigger accord with Morocco in basic sectors like energy, tourism, and agriculture

To this end, the abbot apprenticed Moroccan businesses to advance in Ghana and analyze new advance opportunities through the African Continental Free Trade Area initiative