The Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), , has refuted President 's affirmation that the arguable Agyapadie certificate is fabricated.

Mahama argued that the document, believed to be a adept plan of the Akyem band aural the cardinal (NPP), contains truths adverse to the president's denial.

He adumbrated that the accompaniment abduction of backdrop by government officials, as mentioned in the Agyapadie document, is affirmation that it is not fabricated.

During his attack tour, Mahama apprenticed Ghanaians to authority the NPP government answerable in the awaiting 2024 accepted elections.

"We charge to authority this government answerable for the hardship, the crisis that they subjected Ghana to for the accompaniment abduction that they accept implemented in Ghana over the aftermost eight years. Affairs every accompaniment property, affairs all the government acreage and accession abundance to themselves.

"Recently, there was an affair about a certificate alleged Agyapadie. They said it's fabricated, but alike if it's fabricated, the accomplishing is not bogus because aggregate that is accounting in that certificate has been implemented," he said in a video aggregate by TV3 on X.

Mahama's animadversion were in acknowledgment to President Akufo-Addo's claim, during The Ghana Report Summit in Accra on August 1, 2024, that the Agyapadie certificate is a bogus attack to befoul his image.

"Today, with a few months to the December 2024 election, they are at it again. A bogus certificate advantaged Agyapadie is actuality puzzled about by agents of the opposition, as affirmation of a admirable arrangement by my affair to addendum the state, the assets of the state," Akufo-Addo said.

About the Agyapadie document:

The document, forwarded to the Okyenhene Ofori Panin, outlines affairs by the Akyem band to advance ascendancy of the NPP.

It capacity assorted aspects of Ghanaian activity that the alleged 'Akyem Mafia' intends to dominate, ensuring the country operates beneath their influence.

The certificate predicts key events, including changes in administration at the Social Security and National Insurance Trust, the collapse of aboriginal Ghanaian banks, and the accession of the Okyenhene as the best able chieftaincy institution.

It additionally mentions targeting assertive religious abstracts against to the regime, while acknowledging those in favor.