The family of the late Edward Borketey Sackey, the final year student of O'Reilly Senior High School (SHS) who was stabbed by his colleague on September 2, 2024, has accused the teachers of the school of being responsible for the death of their son.

According to the family, visuals of the incident showed the teachers sitting aloof while their son was being stabbed multiple times.

The family head of the deceased student, Nii Afotey Chiribour IV, speaking in an interview on TV's #SayItLoud, said that not only did the teachers watch on as his grandson was being stabbed, but they did not lift a finger while he was bleeding out in front of them.

He asserted that the inaction of the teachers, who are supposed to be responsible for the students, makes them responsible for the death of the late Edward Borketey Sackey. "There were more than 15 vehicles of the teachers parked at the school while the incident was happening.

The child was stabbed right in front of them.

The boy was lying right in front of them, but they did nothing.

The boy was lying there and bleeding.

By the time he was taken to the hospital, he had bled out and was pronounced dead upon arriving at the hospital. "If they (the teachers) had rushed him to the hospital earlier, he would have survived.

The boy was running to them for them to save him from his aggressor, but they didn't come to his aid and watched on as he was being stabbed in front of them," he told 's Ishmael Batoma in the Ga dialect.

Nii Chiribour IV said that his children nearly lynched the teachers after seeing the visuals, but after hours of pleading with them not to take the law into their hands, they left the school. "They (the teachers) are the ones who killed my child.

So, my sons were coming to beat them up and kill them.

I was very angry, but I had to stop them because if I had let them, we would have been breaking the law since the police were already involved.

So, I calmed them down and told them that they would be arrested if they touched the teachers.

I begged them not to do anything and allow the police to do their job-it took 2 hours to calm them down.

Because I was their father, they respected me and left the school," he added.

Attempts by 's team to get a reaction from the headteacher of O'Reilly SHS on the incident and the family's claims proved futile.

Meanwhile, the Ghana Education Service (GES) has stated that it is going to investigate the stabbing incident.

Watch the full interview below: BAI/AE Watch the latest episode of Everyday People on TV below: Ghana's leading digital news platform, , in conjunction with the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, is embarking on an aggressive campaign which is geared towards ensuring that parliament passes comprehensive legislation to guide organ harvesting, organ donation, and organ transplantation in the country.