In a arresting aberration of fate, Mavis Asante, who already dreamt of alive as a government employee, nurse, or teacher, has apparent her career aisle booty an abrupt turn. Today, she is a approach bake-apple agent at the Agbogbloshie market.

Growing up, Mavis consistently aspired to accept a acceptable apprenticeship and a abiding career to bulwark for herself and her approaching children. However, activity had altered affairs for her.

When she appeared on GhanaWeb's Everyday Bodies programme hosted by Victoria Kyei Baffour, Mavis Asante anecdotal how banking difficulties faced by her parents led her to booty over the approach bake-apple business which was initially run by her mother.

She told the host, Victoria Kyei Baffour, that she has been in the approach bake-apple business for about 6 years.

"I accept been accomplishing this for about six years. My mother alien me to this business. She acclimated to biking to added places for the items; back she returned, I would accompany her in the bazaar to sell. But now, she no best comes here, so I do the affairs myself," she said.

"...Growing up, I aspired to accept a acceptable apprenticeship and become a government worker. I never capital to sell, but that's how it angry up. The apprenticeship I hoped for would accept bent my career, whether as a secretary, a nurse, or article different," she anecdotal in Twi.

Regarding her education, Mavis mentioned that she completed a abstruse academy and would accept admired to accompany her education, however, abridgement of abutment from her parents and banking challenges burst that dream.

Mavis Asante declared that she is adventurous to claiming her schoolmates at contest due to her banking cachet now.

She believes that bazaar women can accomplish annihilation they ambition for aloof as accomplished people.

"One affair I've appear to accept is that already you alpha working, you can accomplish what addition who has abounding academy does. These days, there's no acumen amid the bazaar and school. Back there's an event, you can appear and present yourself aloof like an accomplished person. There's no burden at all," she said

Despite her antecedent dreams, she has accepted her new role with assurance and resilience, award fulfilment in her assignment as a trader.

Watch her abounding account below: