The boyhood in assembly blocked a $250 actor accommodation from the World Bank afterwards voting 'no' for the approval.

The facility, which was meant for the Energy Sector Recovery Programme, was declared to be accustomed on the final day of sitting, accustomed the accord accomplished by the Finance Committee of .

The Ranking Member for the Finance Committee, Isaac Adongo, adumbrated that a cogent allocation of the funds was allocated to consultancy services, which he begin problematic.

He apprenticed the House to accept the accommodation accountable to an alteration to the cost formula.

The Member of (MP) for Asawase, Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak, additionally aloft questions about the loan.

He said he didn’t accept why some of the funds were not acclimated to empower some of the universities in Ghana, like KNUST, to aftermath their own meters.

Additionally, Patrick Boamah aggregate capacity of the accommodation with the House.

Following these comments, the Speaker of , Alban Bagbin, proceeded by putting the catechism afore the House.

He said, “Those in favor say 'aye' and those adjoin say 'no.'”

For clarification, he put the catechism afresh afore the House and concluded, “Well, absolutely the nos accept it. From the articulation vote, the nos accept it.”

After the ruling, Patrick Yaw Boamah, the Chairman of the Committee, said he did not anticipate the nos had it.

The Speaker afresh asked if the Majority capital a headcount or division.

The Deputy Majority Whip afresh said that their associates did not say yes to the motion because they did not accept the articulation vote, and if the catechism was put afore the House again, it would achieve the matter.

The Speaker, afore his ruling, said he had adumbrated the House would curb on June 30 while authoritative comments about numbers.

“I accept consistently fatigued the absorption of the baton of government business, who himself is not alike now available. Because you consistently charge numbers abaft you back you are demography some stands on issues on the floor. Those numbers are not there, and those who abutment you to run your business, you will run at them, and so back they react, the aftereffect will not be in your favor. Clearly, this is what has happened, and there is no way the Speaker can administer and be assuming to be accomplishing the appropriate affair back everybody will see it so visibly that it is amiss for the Speaker. So, I will do what is right, and absolutely the nos had it, and the motion is appropriately rejected.”

Patrick Boamah afresh rose afresh to claiming the accommodation of the Speaker.

However, the Speaker said the best advance of activity was for the House to curb sine die, and that was what he proceeded to do.


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