The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Asuogyaman Constituency in the Eastern Region, Thomas Ampem Nyarko, has adapted a three-unit classroom block for the Labolabo D/A Basic School, which has been in afflictive condition.

Pupils of the academy accept had to abstraction in the afflictive action for the accomplished years, arrest able teaching and acquirements activities.

It is adjoin this accomplishments that the MP adapted the 40-year-old architecture to enhance teaching and learning.

The bearings of the classroom block resulted in several inconveniences for the pupils, including poor blast consistent in calefaction as able-bodied as poor illumination.

To abode the problem, electricity has now been supplied to the school, with new windows and beam admirers anchored to advance ventilation.

The abridgement of computers was additionally articular as an affair of affair during the event.

The bearings reportedly afflicted the able teaching and acquirements of applied advice and advice technology (ICT).

The lawmaker, acclamation the gathering, explained the call of acclimation the situation.

According to him, the afflictive bearings resulted in a abominable acquirements and teaching atmosphere for the students. 

He said, “There was no ablaze in the classroom, so it got gloomy, which hindered teaching and acquirements because pupils had to ache their eyes to see what was accounting on the board,” he said.


Mr. Nyarko furthered that the amiss altitude of the classroom prompted him to clean the block.  

His intervention, he was confident, would actualize a added acceptable acquirements ambiance for both agents and students.

The administrator said, “I accept installed lighting in the classroom so that accouchement may abstraction alike in the evenings.”

He articular added abhorrent situations in the infrastructure, such as breakable classroom blocks, and promised to refurbish the actual classrooms to avant-garde standards and access the affection of teaching and learning.

He apprenticed his added abutment to fix them.

Expressing his acknowledgment to the District Administrator of the Asuogyaman Ghana Education Service as able-bodied as the headteacher, staff, and acceptance of the Labolabo D/A Academy for their cooperation, he remarked that the accessory ability now presented a bigger teaching and acquirements environment.

On her part, the District Administrator of the GES at Asuogyaman, Augustina Adjoa Owusu, bidding her contentment at the fulfilment of the affiance of the lawmaker, abacus that his accomplishments exceeded her antecedent expectations. 

The administrator answerable the acceptance to booty abounding advantage of the befalling by dispatch up their alone acquirements to ensure that they succeed.

She additionally alleged on the agents to put in added accomplishment in abstraction the approaching of the children.

The Paramount Chief of the Anum Acceptable Area, Okusiaku Kumi Brempong Sasraku VIII, was additionally beholden to the MP for his intervention.


The acceptable leader, in advancement the administration of the academy to accept a ability of maintenance, assured them that acceptable administration would do all in their ability to bottle the classroom architecture and its amenities for approaching generations.