The father of Edward Borketey, an 18-year-old final-year visual arts student at O'Reilly Senior High School who was fatally stabbed by a classmate, is seeking answers from school officials regarding the circumstances surrounding his son's death while under their supervision.

During an interview with Accra-based TV3 on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, he shared the sequence of events that led to his son's tragic passing.

He expressed disappointment that the school authorities did not intervene before the situation escalated into a violent altercation resulting in his son's death.

He recounted receiving a call from his niece reporting that Edward [his son] and his classmate were involved in a fight, but teachers appeared indifferent to the situation. "On my way to the school, when I got to the motorway.

I received a call that the boy that was fighting Edward had stabbed him.

He was lying down at the school premises, bleeding, and the teachers were sitting there unconcerned.

So, I said, wow, I am coming," he recalled.

He continued, "From yesterday till now, the police have not called, and the school authorities have not called.

Even the boy who killed my son, none of the family have reached me.

That is why we are here, to seek for justice for my son.

We want answers from the school authorities, the police, and the boy about what happened. "I just want to know what happened to the extent of a student stabbing his friend.

That is all we want, we want justice.

The school authorities should explain to us if the teachers were there when it happened, that is all we want.

We want answers from the school authorities." The father expressed frustration that neither the police nor the school authorities had contacted him since the incident and accused the school authorities of restricting access to the premises by deploying police officers. "They have put policemen here.

They are not allowing anyone to go in and nobody is prepared to come and talk to us, that is why we are here.

It is sad, we are all here waiting for the school authorities", he stated.