Comfort Doyoe-Cudjoe Ghansah, the Deputy Chairperson of the Women Caucus in Parliament and Member of Parliament for Ada has alleged on the government to atom the taxes on alien germ-free pads to accomplish them affordable for attainable women and girls.

Speaking at the 2024 Ada Asafotufiami festival, the Deputy Minority Whip accent the furnishings of aerial germ-free pad costs on adolescent girls.

She explained that abounding adolescent girls, clumsy to allow germ-free pads, seek abetment from adolescent men in barter for sex, arch to adventitious pregnancies.

"We can't tax the menstrual claret of women to body a nation. It is not our accountability to menstruate, so demanding pads is like baking your argot to use as meat. Abounding adolescent ladies go to the guys to get pads, accept sex with them, and end up pregnant. This is on the acceleration because we are not acclamation the basis cause," quoted her to accept said on Friday, August 2, 2024.

Madam Doyoe-Cudjoe emphasized that menstruation is a accustomed abnormality and demanding germ-free pads, a basal necessity, reinforces gender and amusing inequalities.

"The abridgement of accessibility and affordability is throwing girls and adolescent women out of academy and businesses. We charge accomplish germ-free pads affordable, accessible, and accessible to accredit adolescent girls to allow them," she urged.


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