The Member of Parliament (MP) for Yendi, Farouk Aliu Mahama, has alleged for able measures to assure accompaniment acreage rather than blaming the accepted government for issues accompanying to acreage mismanagement.

His animadversion were fabricated during an actualization of the Minister of Acreage and Natural Resources, Samuel Abu Jinapor, at the Government Assurances Committee on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Mahama emphasised the accent of absorption on applied solutions to aegis accompaniment acreage from assailment and actionable activities.

He argued that pointing fingers at the accepted administering does little to abode the basal issues and instead diverts absorption from the all-important accomplishments that charge to be taken to assure accessible assets.

He proposed the accomplishing of able-bodied measures and behavior that would ensure the able administration and aegis of accompaniment lands.

These measures accommodate stricter administration of acreage use regulations, approved ecology of accompaniment properties, and added accuracy in acreage transactions.

Aliu Mahama additionally said he believes that such accomplish are acute for advancement the candor of accompaniment acreage and preventing approaching mismanagement.

"First of all, it is acceptable for us to accept the Acreage Minister to analyze for us assertive issues but let’s be frank, alternating governments accept had assertive gaps in the administration of accompaniment acreage and we should rather focus on how we advance on those gaps and how we break them rather than pointing abstracts at the accepted government over the auction of accompaniment lands.

"All governments accept awash accompaniment acreage and our focus should be about attention them and not accomplish it a accessory issue,” he said, a address by has said.

The MP additionally accent the charge for accord amid assorted stakeholders, including government agencies, bounded authorities, and the clandestine sector.

He fatigued that a aggregate accomplishment is appropriate to advance and apparatus able strategies for acreage protection.

Concluding, Farouk Aliu Mahama apprenticed all parties complex to prioritise the aegis of accompaniment acreage through proactive measures rather than agreeable in accusation games.