The President of the Ghana National Association of ADR Practitioners (GNAAP), Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, has called for the immediate allocation of resources to address the critical deficiencies in court infrastructure in the country.

In a statement to mark the 2025 ADR Week, Daniel Owusu-Koranteng said the government must act decisively to enhance judicial infrastructure in Ghana, as it is necessary to improve access to justice. "Even as GNAAP is commending the government of Ghana and the Judicial Service, we are using the occasion of the ADR Week to call on government to make substantial investment in court infrastructure to provide conference room facilities and offices in our courts for mediation sessions," the statement said.

The theme for the 2025 ADR Week is "Building the Pillars of Justice through Commercial Justice ADR." Below is the full statement Statement by the Ghana National Association of ADR Practitioners (GNAAP) to mark the ADR Week It is an established fact that conflict exist in all areas of human interaction and every conflict has the potential to escalate to cause maximum harm to society and human activities if not managed and resolved.

It is no more a matter of debate that litigation through our court system had not achieved the objectives of peace building and restoration of relationships among others.