The accumulation alienation took abode in the littoral boondocks of Ekumfi Narkwa, signalling a abeyant about-face in political allegiances aural the region

The fishermen cited several affidavit for their accommodation to about-face allegiance. Chief amid them was annoyance with the accepted government's administration of the fishing sector

Many of the defectors bidding annoyance over annoyed promises and behavior that they accept accept abnormally afflicted their livelihoods

The afflicted fishermen appear their alienation at a association durbar organised to collaborate with Prof. Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, the active acquaintance of NDC flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama

NPP flag Pulse Ghana They added that they were admiring to the NDC because of the baroque administration appearance of Mahama, who they said is focused, a unifier and leads with alert aerial as able-bodied as the aberrant achievements he had chalked aural his aboriginal appellation in appointment as a president

According to them, their fishing businesses are on the border of collapse due to the aerial amount of pre-mix ammunition and outboard motors, amid added fishing items

"The government is not anxious about our welfare. We can no best assurance our lives and fishing activity into the easily of the NPP," said Opanyin Owu Bonsu, baton of the defectors

He said admitting their calls on the government to analysis the absonant amount of pre-mix fuel, the amount kept ascent daily

He said they acclimated to acquirement one chicken gallon (Kufuor gallon) of the pre-mix ammunition at GH¢520 in 2016, but the amount has risen to an enough akin of amid GH¢2,500 and GH¢2,800 per gallon

NDC flag Pulse Ghana In addition, he acclaimed that the amount of outboard motors has been unbearable, as the amount has hit the arena of GH¢7,000

"We feel deceived, and we are from today no best with the NPP," he announced, triggering acclaim in the community

The NDC has acquiescently accustomed the new members, seeing the alienation as a validation of their behavior and a addition to their campaign

The NDC administration bidding their charge to acclamation the apropos of the fishermen and convalescent the fishing industry