Qatar Charity, an internation­al non-govern­mental organi­sation (NGO), has inaugurat­ed a refurbished mosque at the 37 Military Hospital in Accra at the weekend.

The new facility is expected to be a centre for worship, learning, and spiritual growth for military personnel and the broader com­munity.

It has been transformed into a state-of-the-art religious facility with an office and 10 ablution rooms, a three-classroom, Quran memorisation centre with an office and an Imam's residence, a mechanised borehole, a mortuary with a washroom, a power house and a stamped concrete com­pound.

Commander of the 37 Mili­tary Hospital, Brigadier General Prosper Ayibor, said the mosque would enable military personnel, civilian staff, hospital clients and visitors to perform their religious obligations.