The Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) has urged a whistleblowing mechanism among the public in tackling cases of romance fraud.
This was highlighted at the launch of a fraud reporting campaign by EOCO and the United Kingdom's National Crime Agency (NCA) Director of Administration, Edward Cudjoe on behalf of the Executive Director of EOCO, expressed concern about the exponential rate of cases of romance fraud in Ghana and its dire economic impact. "Both EOCO and NCA are committed to bringing this menace to its barest minimum by joining forces aimed to protect the public from the devastating effects of romance fraud and other types of economic and organised crimes. "The highlight of these campaigns, the first to be to raise awareness of the dangers of romance fraud and other types of fraud economic and organised crimes to encourage the public to report suspicious activities in relation to romance fraud, provide educaton and support to the public, share intelligence and best practices to disrupt fraud networks and create a secure and more safer environment for everyone. BoG HQ: $8.6m spent on ICT systems, $15.8m on electronics, $11m on furniture