Bodies active with disabilities (PWDs) in Wa accept been alleged aloft to be accord advocates before, during, and afterwards the 2024 elections aback they would be the affliction afflicted in any adventure of battle or chaos

The PWDs accept additionally been apprenticed to accomplish accord their antecedence appeal from their leaders, abnormally politicians, as it is a alarm for their well-being, growth, and development

Madam Kuurimah Umu Ibrahim, the Executive Director of Kuurimah Foundation, fabricated the alarm during an assurance with some PWDs at a accord attack at the Wa Central Market

The Foundation took the action to appoint called communities and groups of bodies on the charge for them to bear accord wherever they begin themselves, abnormally in this acclamation division with its accompanying threats of violence

“As bodies active with visual, hearing, or walking impairments, you apperceive bigger than anyone abroad the accent of peace. If our country is in chaos, area will you run to aback you can’t see the crisis ahead? Area will you adumbrate aback you can’t apprehend the admonishing signs? Area will you go aback you can’t airing to safety?” Madam Ibrahim explained

She empiric that alternating governments in Ghana had around alone the needs of PWDs, abandoned their concerns, and disregarded their contributions to civic development and amusing cohesion. “You accept been marginalised, excluded, and larboard behind. But I say to you today, no more! So, I appetite you to appeal accord from our leaders. Appeal inclusivity, appeal accessibility, and appeal according opportunities. Your vote is your power, use it wisely,” Madam Ibrahim stated

She fatigued the charge for all easily on accouter to body a Ghana area every citizen, behindhand of their adeptness status, could alive in peace, dignity, and prosperity, and a country area every person’s articulation is heard, every charge is met, and every being is valued

Some PWDs who batten to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) during the accord attack said they accustomed the charge to booty their assurance actual actively by accomplishing things that would enhance and advance accord in society

“As we are sitting now, if there is anarchy in Wa actuality and bodies are running, I am not praying for that, but we will ache most. We will be larboard behind. If you are a being active with a disability, aback you go to the polling base and you are accustomed to vote, afterwards voting appear aback home, sit by your TV or radio set and watch or accept to what is activity on. Do not sit there,” Madam Zenabu Dauda, a PWD, said

Aminu Seidu, the Wa Municipal Public Relations Officer of the Federation of Bodies Active with Disabilities, additionally appealed to the adolescence not to crop to the ambidexterity of politicians to abet agitation during this electioneering

The Foundation additionally captivated a agnate accident with the chiefs and bodies of Dorimon in the Wa West District