The High Court in Accra on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, awarded GH¢3 actor in amercement to Mohammed Mustapha, the bedmate of a abundant woman, Akua Nyarko Osei-Bonsu, who died afterwards a caesarean area at the Greater Accra Regional Hospital (Ridge Hospital) in November 2019.

Mustapha sued the Ridge Hospital, the Ministry of Health, and the Attorney General in 2020, accusing the hospital of apathy which he said led to the abortive afterlife of his wife afterwards the caesarean area at the facility.

The widower, in an account with Accra-based Blessed FM on Friday, August 2, 2024, anecdotal the contest that led to the abrupt afterlife of his wife at the Ridge Hospital.

He said that his abundant wife, as she visited the hospital for antenatal care, was brash by the doctors to go for a caesarean to move her foetus into a biobag because its advance was retarding due to a action alleged Intrauterine Advance Restriction (IUGR).

He said that he and his wife took the admonition of the doctors and went in for the procedure, and he was in the hospital for about three days.

He said that afterwards the action was completed on the third day, he went to see his wife who looked advantageous and upbeat over the success of the operation because it was way smoother than she feared.

Knowing that his wife and the babyish were okay, Mustapha said he went home to get some things so he would acknowledgment to the hospital the afterward morning, but he woke up to a cardinal of calls, advancement him to blitz to the hospital.

He said that he anticipation the doctors bare him to buy some medication for his wife, alone for them to acquaint him that his wife, who was advantageous and happy, had anesthetized away.

"When I got there, they told me that they bare addition about of abundance so they would allege to me; alone for them to acquaint me that my wife has passed. I was like 'What happened'? So, I bound requested an dissection because I was shocked. I saw her and she looked okay, so what happened?

"A adult she aggregate a allowance with additionally told me that there was claret arising out of her adenoids and I asked why that happened because she had the operation on the lower allotment of her body. So, I capital to apperceive more," he said in Twi.

Mustapha said that afterwards the dissection was done, it appear that the account of his wife's afterlife was post-operative and it had annihilation to do with an basal condition.

He again wrote to the hospital to explain what happened, and afterwards months of aback and forth, the hospital appear a address which showed that Nyarko Osei-Bonsu died as a aftereffect of claret array in her lungs and that was the acumen why claret was arising out of her nose.

He said that the address additionally adumbrated that his wife was declared to be accustomed a anesthetic alleged Fragmin, 12 hours afterwards the operation to anticipate the claret clot, but he banned to buy it afterwards several requests from the nurses at Ridge.

He said that he was abashed by the account of the nurses in the address because, to the best of his knowledge, he had gotten all the bare medications and medical food for his wife's operation.

"When I came home, I came to analysis the cancellation of drugs I bought because I absolutely bethink that back we were activity in for the operation, the decree anatomy they gave us included a CS pack, which constitutes all the drugs that you would charge for the CS and post-operation, and I fabricated acquittal for it.

"I was with the apperception that the biologic should be a basic of that CS pack, and so I went through the things on the CS backpack and auspiciously for me, that biologic was captured in the cancellation of drugs that I paid for. And interestingly, it is not as if back I paid, they gave me the drugs, they dispensed the drugs to the patient. So, how appear they said the anesthetic was not available," he anecdotal further.

The widower added that he challenged the hospital authorities to accommodate the decree they gave him to go and acquirement the Fragmin, but they could not because it was a lie.

He said that the address additionally appear that back his wife's action was accepting out of hand, they gave her a aberration of the Fragmin 16 hours afterwards the CS, but it was too backward to save her life.

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