There is the need to imple­ment digital revenue collec­tion systems at the Metro, Municipal, and District Assembly (MMDA) levels to secure essential funding for development initia­tives in various regions, Rita Naa Odoley Sowah, the Deputy Minister -designate of Local Government, Chieftaincy, and Religious Affairs (MLGCRA), has stated.

This approach, she said, would aid in identifying instances of mismanagement, ensuring adher­ence to financial regulations, and fostering best practices in revenue generation.

In her responses to questions when she appeared before the par­liamentary Appointment Commit­tee on Friday, the Deputy Minister Designate noted that traditional methods of revenue collection faced numerous challenges, result­ing in insufficient fund mobilisa­tion for development within the assemblies.

The Deputy Minister-designate, who is also the Member of Parlia­ment (MP) for La Dade-Kotopon Constituency, emphasized that the approach would ensure effective monitoring and records keeping of collected accounts. "The traditional method of revenue collection by the assem­blies presents numerous challeng­es, primarily due to the physical nature of payment processing to officers.