The Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng has opened up on the dangers and threats associated with his office.
Speaking at the Constitution Day Public Lecture on Friday, Kissi Agyebeng noted that due to his office's relentless fight against corruption, himself and colleagues constantly face life-threatening dangers because constant enemies are formed due to his works. "The position of Special Prosecutor is a thankless job.
It fetches you droves of enemies daily and brings you into direct confrontation with the lowest forms of debasement in humans.
You do not go asking for it; it finds you," he stated emphasising on the perilous nature of his work. "The paradox surrounding the role of the Special Prosecutor is evident: while the public clamors for accountability and the eradication of corruption, resistance surfaces the moment the scrutiny is directed at particular individuals or groups. "Some of the enemies this job attracts will not hesitate to take a life should the opportunity present itself. "Thus, my security risk is ultra high, and I have to perpetually be on the lookout for attacks on my person," Kissi Agyebeng stated.