It was absolutely a comedy back two NPP MPs, and , bankrupt abroad from the affair band to about criticize their own team.

It's affiliated to witnessing a footballer account an own ambition and again high-five the opposing aggregation - shocking, confusing, and abnormally entertaining.

: The Rebel MP

, accepted amid NPP associates as the 'Rebel MP', fabricated account by breaking ranks amidst the party's chase for a active acquaintance advanced of the 2024 accepted election. Below are what he fabricated account for:

Ofori-Atta charge go campaign

On October 25, 2022, a cogent accident abundant in Ghana's Parliament back some associates of the majority caucus, led by Appiah-Kubi, alleged for the abandonment of the then-Minister for Finance, .

This appeal stemmed from apropos about the nation's banking administration and the acceptance that a change in administration could advance bread-and-butter conditions

"We accept had occasions to avoid allegations of conflicts of interest, abridgement of confidence, and assurance adjoin the administration of the Accounts Ministry. The contempo development aural the abridgement is of above affair to our conclave and our constituents. We accept fabricated our grave apropos accepted to our Admiral through the aldermanic administration and the administration of the affair after any absolute response.

"We are by this average communicating our able admiration that the Admiral changes the Minister of Accounts and the Minister of Accompaniment at the Accounts Ministry after added adjournment in adjustment to restore achievement to the accounts area and about-face the bottomward trend in the advance of the economy," he said.

Despite their able demand, the admiral initially abandoned the MPs' concerns. However, a chiffonier reshuffle two years after resulted in Mr. Ofori-Atta actuality removed from his position as Minister for Finance, an aftereffect accustomed to Appiah-Kubi's campaign.

Appiah-Kubi's action to NAPO's choice as Bawumia's active mate

Afterward contempo account about the choice of Manhyia South MP, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh (NAPO) as the active acquaintance of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Appiah-Kubi bidding his disapproval in an account on June 27, 2024.

"Well, I wouldn't allege for the majority because we accept not been consulted as a conclave for us to accompaniment our position. But me, Appiah-Kubi, you can accost my appearance on that. If it were up to me to choose, I wouldn't accept him. It's not my preference. Appiah-Kubi is adage that he is not my preference. But that doesn't beggarly that he is not qualified. If there was an befalling like that, I would accurate a candidate, about adequate otherwise, to our presidential candidate. I would appetite addition who will be accessible with the bodies on the ground, who will be able to bear the votes, and who would additionally abide to the presidency, and who will additionally be important in bringing Parliament afterpiece to the executive," he said.

His animadversion did not sit able-bodied with the Majority Leader of Parliament, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, who reprimanded the Asante Akim North MP for his utterance.

"We should all account affair rules. You cannot go out of your way to alarm your aide in an unacceptable manner," he told reporters in Parliament.

Despite the Majority Leader's affirmation that the conclave about accurate NAPO's nomination, Appiah-Kubi restated his position adjoin it.

However, he after accommodated with NAPO afterward his official addition as the active mate.

: Ghana's abridgement is like a Ponzi scheme

, Member of Parliament for Obuasi West and agent on the Abridgement Committee, has attributed Ghana's bread-and-butter crisis to decades of poor backroom and bread-and-butter corruption by accomplished and present governments.

In an assessment piece, Kwarteng declared that Ghana's abridgement is actuality operated like a Ponzi scheme.

"The bread-and-butter problems Ghana is adverse today, at both the civic akin and in households, are additionally the accumulative furnishings of abounding decades, spanning altered governments, of the bad backroom and bread-and-butter corruption that accept characterised the babyminding of our country. Since independence, we accept survived by consistently absurdity our agency and borrowing to accounts the overspending. And abounding of these expenditures are aloof bad prioritisation. We consistently action college absorption to lenders, borrow more, use a allotment to accord antecedent debts, and the blow to pay for the accepted year's overspending. So, we accept been active our country's abridgement like a Ponzi scheme. The abridgement is disturbing today because lenders are now abnegation to accommodate to us. It is aloof like a Ponzi arrangement activity into crisis already bodies stop depositing their monies with them."

He apprenticed the New Patriotic Affair (NPP) to accommodate abstracted administration to accomplishment the country from its bread-and-butter woes if they achievement to breach the eight-year cycle.

According to him, the NPP charge accede accomplished and present failures of the political class, breaking abroad from the barometer of labeling all politicians as corrupt.

Kwarteng alleged on the NPP to apparatus absolute and extensive reforms to abode decades of poor babyminding and bread-and-butter mismanagement.

"To breach the eight, therefore, we charge aboriginal breach that barometer by accomplishing the following: Accede the accomplished and present failures of the political chic to accommodate the affectionate of affection administration appropriate to avoid the blend in which we acquisition our country today. Adopt abysmal and extensive reforms to abode the decades of bad backroom and bread-and-butter mismanagement. We charge argue voters that we shall be adamant in our assurance to fix this country, that we shall break the advance no amount the challenges, and that there shall be no angelic cows!" he wrote.

He believes that breaking the eight-year aeon will chase organically if the NPP sets a acceptable archetype by acknowledging the country's challenges, demography albatross for its mistakes, and implementing allusive change.

"Once we advance by example, we can say with candor to our bodies that we are biconcave in a accepted baiter and alarm all Ghanaians to duty. As a political party, if we aboveboard accept and can authenticate our adherence to these commitments, breaking the eight will chase naturally."