(NPP) Parliamentary Candidate for Bolgtanga Central Constituency, Atiah Figo Awonekai has served apprehension that the bounden administrator for the constituency, is acceptable to abscond from the area.

This he appear is a aftereffect of an approaching defeat that awaits the administrator who is the baronial affiliate of the Finance Committee in Parliament.

"Mr. Adongo is now active arbitrary because of the burden I am applying. By October or November, will abscond Bolgatanga Central. I affiance the NPP that this time, the Bolga bench will abatement to the NPP," Mr. Atiah declared.

He is optimistic about achievement because he believes he is on the arena affair with the assorted stakeholders while his adversary who appears conceited is in Accra.

"While I was on the ground, agreeable with the bodies and acclamation their concerns, Mr. Adongo was calmly adequate in Accra, bold his achievement was assured," Mr. Atiah declared while highlighting projects including the architecture of the 30-kilometre Bolga-Sherigu-Naaga road, the Soe-Zaare road, the Zumbrungu-Zorkor road, and the enactment of a Bolgatanga Mechanical Enclave as actuality engineered by him.

"I assured the constituency admiral that Mr. Adongo would anon feel the burden and acknowledgment to the constituency. True to my words, he is now consistently shuttling amid Accra and Bolgatanga. He gets astringent all-overs at the acknowledgment of my name," he said.