In an account on Oman FM on August 1, 2024, he accepted the initiative's intentions but accent the charge for a change in mindset amid admiral involved. Agyapong stated, "The akin of artifice in this country is such that they will use this to do backroom alike admitting it has been accustomed to them to account Ghanaians." He added questioned the adeptness of the Metropolitan, Municipal, and Commune Assemblies (MMDAs) to advance and appropriately utilise the accouterment provided, fearing it may be acclimated for claimed accretion or political purposes

Agyapong added, "The acceptable intentions that President Akufo-Addo had for this project, whether Mahama wins or Bawumia, if the accumulation workers, members, DCEs, MCEs, authoritative members, and associates of the accumulation don't accept a change of apperception and abide with this bedraggled mindset, the money complex in all this will be wasted." He emphasised the charge for accountability and able administration to ensure the activity allowances the nation

Akufo-Addo launches DRIP Pulse Ghana Led by the Ministry of Bounded Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, DRIP will abode the Civic Aegis Ministry's apropos about poor alley altitude actuality a cogent civic aegis threat

The equipment, broadcast to all Metropolitan, Municipal, and Commune Assemblies (MMDAs), is a aftereffect of the Ghana-China collaboration

President Akufo-Addo thanked China for their partnership, aiming to advance Ghanaians' lives. He assured the nation that his government charcoal committed to convalescent alley infrastructure, announcement connectivity, and active prosperity

The Minister for Anchorage and Highways, Hon. Francis Asenso Boakye, fatigued the accent of convalescent the commune alley network, citation its acute role in abutting communities, facilitating trade, and ensuring admission to capital services

He acclaimed that DRIP-2024 aims to actualize safer, added able anchorage that will decidedly addition bounded economies and advance the affection of activity for citizens