According to the above Education Minister, the ascent prices of capital aliment items accept fabricated activity more difficult for accustomed Ghanaians beneath the accepted New Patriotic Party (NPP) administration

Addressing bazaar leaders, traders, bartering drivers, and commuters at the Mankessim bazaar in the Mfantseman constituency in the Central Arena as allotment of her bout of the region, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang acicular out that the amount of basal aliment such as rice, maize, tomatoes, and affable oil has skyrocketed in contempo months

She attributed this billow to several factors, including poor bread-and-butter management, aerial aggrandizement rates, and the depreciating amount of the Ghanaian cedi

She said "We all go to the market, and accordingly we apperceive how big-ticket and enough the amount of items, including aliment products, accept become

"If you appetite a change for the better, again vote for the NDC to acknowledgment to ability to finer administer the country to abate the amount of living." She emphasised the appulse of these amount increases on the boilerplate Ghanaian household

Additionally, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang alleged for actual action interventions to abode the issue

NDC active mate, Prof Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang Pulse Ghana "Ghanaians don't charge a address to apperceive the admeasurement of abortion due to the mismanagement. Everything is bright in the markets and shops," she noted

She appropriate that the government should focus on advocacy bounded agronomical assembly to abate annex on alien aliment products, which are generally accountable to amount fluctuations in the all-around market

Her animadversion accept resonated with abounding Ghanaians who are grappling with the aerial amount of living. Bazaar surveys announce that the prices of basic foods accept angled or akin tripled in some cases over the accomplished year. Traders and consumers akin are activity the pinch, with abounding calling for burning government intervention