Litigant commends CID boss for professionalism
6 months ago
Ghanaian Times

A Ghanaian has praised the Director General of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Commissioner of Police (COP) Faustina Andoh-Kwofie, for exhibiting integrity and professionalism in the discharge of her duty. Mr TheophilusTeiko Tagoenoted that COP Andoh-Kwofieproperly handled a land litigation that was referred to her office for Investigations. Being a party in the matter, Mr Tagoe told the Ghanaian Times in an interview, in Accra, that the policewoman invited him and other persons involved in the matter to her office three weeks ago. Mr Tagoe said COP Andoh-Kwofie epitomises fairness, truth, integrity and nobility, and urged all police personnel to emulate her example. The matter, which was refereed to COP Andoh-Kwofie relates to a 3.6 acre land case which had been dealt with by the courts.