This move is accepted to breathe new activity into the factory, which has faced abundant challenges aback its commissioning

The Komenda Amoroso Factory, amid in the Central Region was originally accustomed to abate the country's assurance on alien amoroso and to actualize job opportunities for the bounded population

Despite its potential, the branch has struggled with operational inefficiencies, banking constraints, and administering issues, arch to alternate closures aback its inauguration

The acceding with West Africa Agro Limited marks a cardinal affiliation aimed at leveraging the ability and assets of the Indian-based close to about-face about the fortunes of the Komenda Amoroso Factory

Komenda Amoroso Factory Pulse Ghana The close is accepted to advance decidedly in modernising the factory's equipment, convalescent operational efficiencies, and ensuring acceptable amoroso production

The Minister of Trade and Industry K.T. Hammond said this action aims to animate the company's operations to accommodated calm demand

He said "It's a aggregation which has a board. We aloof put them in charge. But it's 100% Ghana owned. But we are leasing it. We are leasing our assets to a aggregation that will assignment on it. I mean, use our assets, our equipment, use it, and again pay us back. We're not activity to accept shares in their products, but the aggregation is 100% activity to own them, cerebration of giving it to them for 15 to 20 years with an advantage of an addendum or some array of renewal

KT Hammond accent the government's charge to revitalising the branch and criticised the antecedent administering for its abridgement of diligence

Komenda Amoroso Factory Pulse Ghana "2016 into the abutting election, there was a blitz to agency it. It was commissioned and hasn't formed since. Nothing was put in a able place. As you now see it. A lot of things went amiss with this branch here. I've said it abounding times," he stated

The government anticipates that the revamped branch will actualize abundant job opportunities for the bounded community, addition the abridgement of the Central Region, and accord to the all-embracing advance of the agronomical area in Ghana