The government is set to pay West Blue Ghana GH¢95 actor for the adjustment of arrears owed to the IT Consulting close for assignment done beneath the National Single Window and Integrated Risk Management System arrangement accomplished in Au­gust 2015

A antecedent at the aggregation answer the affair told by this cardboard that "the acquittal is not for the actionable abortion of the arrangement but for underpayment of West Blue for assignment done during the arrangement aeon from 2015 to 2020." This, the antecedent said was con­tained in a accord acumen filed on July 10, 2024, and adopted as the acumen of the court

It is recalled that West Blue filed a clothing at an Accra High Cloister on November 14, 2024, requesting the cloister to adjustment the Attorney-General (1st defendant) and Ghana Revenue Authority (2nd defendant) to accomplish abounding pay­ment of GH¢289 actor actuality outstanding fees due for casework rendered. According to the IT compa­ny, the outstanding fees were occasioned as a aftereffect of the government's (Finance Ministry and GRA) abortion to pay West Blue the abounding arrangement bulk (from 2015 to 2020) fee - which is a anchored allotment of the final balance Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) bulk of acceptation consignments entering into Gha­na through the seaports, airports and acreage borders

Under West Blue's arrangement with the government, acting through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the GRA, for provid­ing the National Single Window and Integrated Risk Management System (NSW Contract), West Blue was to be paid a arrangement bulk that is a fee agnate to 0.35 per cent (zero point three bristles per cent), and afterwards bargain to 0.28 per cent of the final balance CIF bulk of all acceptation consignments entering into Ghana through the seaports, airports and acreage borders

However, the government from 2015 till the arrangement concluded in 2020, bootless to pay West Blue the abounding bulk of the anchored allotment of final balance CIF bulk for acceptation consignments entering Ghana through the sea­ports, airports and acreage borders

West Blue's clothing adjoin the government went to a pre-trial date and afterwards several appear­ances afore the pre-trial analysis judge, parties bidding their admiration to the cloister to achieve the Clothing by negotiation

In the accord acumen statement, the government of Ghana's negotiating aggregation fabricated up of admiral from the Minis­try of Finance, Ghana Revenue Authority and the Office of the Attorney General had a alternation of affairs with admiral of the West Blue Ghana and its advocate for an out-of-court settlement

At agreement meetings, West Blue (Plaintiff) presented assorted scenarios to absolve its absolute affirmation of GH¢289,547, 825.36 (based on absolute Final Balance CIF value, Assessed CIF, Assessed CCVR accumulating and outstanding claims per GRA commissioned Audit) additional General Damages, Compen­sation and Costs

After diffuse deliberations and because the assorted scenari­os presented by the parties, the parties acclimatized on the sum of GH¢95,000,000

Plaintiff (West Blue) bidding its alertness to acquire the GH¢95,000,000 net of all taxes instead of GH¢289 actor in achievement of all its claims

A accord acumen was therefore, entered in favour of West Blue (Plaintiff) adjoin the Defendants for accretion of the sum of GH¢95,000,000 in abounding and final achievement of Plain­tiff's claims